Accalia lovedhow things had changed so drastically between her and Erik. He had come off so forceful and in charge. At first, he felt she had to proveshewas right forhim. But now, he desperately wanted her to be in his bed, sharing more.
That was more like it. She’d seen the panic on his face when she left him alone and headed downstairs and she knew it wouldn’t take long for him to join her. She was sure it had to do a lot with his worrying about Alasdair’s brothers’ interest in her. If they showed any interest in her this time, she was sure it would only be to irk Erik in a brotherly way.
When she arrived downstairs, everyone was gathered around to meet their guests as soon as they arrived. The boys hurried to greet her and gave her hugs, which she reciprocated. Then Erik was searching for them, and everyone moved aside so he could join them.
“Alasdair, Isobel, and their kin are here,” Logan said, walking into the castle.
Erik, Accalia, and the boys moved outside with other clansmen to greet the newcomers in the inner bailey. Even the wolfhounds joined them, eager to join in on the excitement.
As soon as Accalia saw Alasdair and his kin, she observed Isobel wearing a sword and a bow and carrying a shield, looking like she was prepared for battle, her blond hair as golden as the sun, hanging in braids down her back, her blue eyes sparkling with humor.
Even though Alasdair leaped down from his horse and gallantly headed to help her down from her horse, Isobel jumped down on her own. Together, they were a striking couple—where she was fair, he was dark-haired and eyed.
Instantly, Accalia liked Isobel. Then she saw Bessetta and couldn’t hold back, dashing forth to hug her. Bessetta had reddish blond hair but was a blond wolf in her wolf form, like Erik’s pack members. She hugged Accalia and whispered, “You are mating the white wolf lord, aye?”
Accalia glanced back at him, standing proud with his lads as if waiting for her answer, though she knew he couldn’t have heard Bessetta’s words. But he was smiling maybe hopeful he could still convince her to stay with him instead. Now he had to prove something—not only with his people but with his friends.
Alasdair and Isobel and Alasdair’s brothers joined Erik. Accalia wished she could hear whattheyhad to say.
“Is it a done deal?” Alasdair asked Erik as they enjoyed watching Bessetta and Accalia visiting with each other.
Before Erik could respond to Alasdair’s question, wishing he could give him a resounding aye, Thorfinn said, “She adores us.” He acted as if Alasdair hadn’t proposed the question to Erik.
“All of you or just you three lads?” Alasdair’s brother Hans asked with a twinkle in his eye.
“He kissed her, and she kissed him back,” Thorfinn said, puffing his chest out.
Alasdair laughed.
“Aye,” Erik said, glancing at Alasdair’s brothers to show them that the lass was with him. “’Tis true.”
“And we all slept with da in his bed last night,” Thorfinn added.
All the men and Isobel laughed.
That,Erik hadn’t wanted anyone to share.
Both Erik’s and Alasdair’s brothers were smiling at the lasses. So was Isobel. Now he was afraid Bessetta and Accalia would stay with each other until Bessetta, and her family left here.
Then Bessetta and Accalia hurried over to join the men and Isobel and Alasdair introduced Accalia to his mate.
Looking eager to welcome her with open arms, Accalia hugged Isobel. “I’m so pleased to meet you. I didna think that Alasdair would find a mate who would be his match.”
Seemingly pleased by the gesture, Isobel smiled broadly. “Ja, we are.” Thankfully, she didn’t ask how things were going between Accalia and Erik.
Then Erik hurried to escort them inside the castle to break their fast, taking Accalia by the arm to show she was with him. Isobel smiled at Accalia to show her support for whatever she decided.
Bessetta followed behind them as if she knew when to give Accalia and Erik the time to be together alone. Then everyone was seated at the head table, the boys looking a little disappointed that they couldn’t be there.
Alasdair and Isobel sat on Erik’s left, and Accalia and Bessetta sat to his right. He knew the two women would want to sit together, and he wanted to do everything he could to show he supported her friendship with Bessetta. Accalia had shown a keen interest in being friends with Isobel, for which he was glad.
Alasdair leaned over and inquired of Erik, "How is Accalia getting along with your sons? I feared when you found a mate, she might not be content with the situation. But it seems they have a genuine affection for her."
"She's fantastic with the boys. I couldn't have chosen anyone better to bond with them."
“Except that they join you in bed at night.”