Page 44 of Wolf Alliance

“She walked to his side of the bed and then kissed him,” Thorfinn said.

Johnne shook his head. “Da would have kissed her first and then she would have kissed him back.”

“Da was still in bed with us,” Hendrie said.

Accalia walked into the room and said, “What are you lads doing still in your da’s room? You need to get dressed at once.”

They all looked at Erik. “Do as she says.” He was surprised they would get his take on it since they had been listening to her. Besides, he had already told them to return to their chamber and dress.

“He kissed her,” Thorfinn said, hurrying out the door.

Johnne agreed and hurried after his brother.

Hendrie waited a moment, then smiled. “You didna.” Then he joined his brothers.

She shook her head and was about to follow them out the door when Erik caught her arm and pulled her into his arms for a kiss. “You made sure there were too many obstacles between us last eve so that I couldna very well kiss you. And then this morning, you slipped out before I even had a chance to leave the bed. Are you afraid of me?”

“Nay, I’m afraid of what I might do.”

They heard chuckling outside the door. Erik said to the boys, “Go!”

The boys’ footfalls ran down the hall.

Then Erik kissed her as thoroughly as they had in the inner bailey. She was as enthusiastic this time as she was the last time. It gave him hope that she was feeling the same way about mating him as he was her.

“Thank you for playing with me on the wolf run,” he said, kissing her again.

“By the time we played, I was wearing out or you wouldn’t have had such an easy time of it,” she said.

“Next time, we’ll play first and explore afterward.”

“It’s a deal.”

“And tonight, I want you in my bed—alone with me.”

She gave him an exaggerated smile. “Bessetta and I have no’ seen each other in ages, and we always sleep together when we visit each other. I had forgotten that when I mentioned she could have my room.”

He smiled at her as if he didn’t believe her. She raised her brows.

“All right, then they stay one night and no more.”

She laughed. “You wouldna have them come all that way and send them home. They will be gone before long and then?—”

He hung on her every word, his hands caressing her shoulders.

“We’ll see,” she said.

“Wewillbe together.” He would have it no other way. He wanted her and he knew deep down she wanted him. She had already fallen in love with his boys, and they felt the same about her. They were meant to be a family, a mated couple, and she—his pack leader mate. He had to get her to agree. He sighed. “About Beathag?—”

“She isna a problem.”

“If we mated, she would know she has no chance with me.”

Accalia laughed. “I believe she might see that already. I’ll join you downstairs. If you dinna hurry, you may miss your guests.” Then she pulled away and headed for the door.

He was glad she had taken Beathag to task.

He dressed as fast as he could, not wanting Accalia to see Alasdair’s brothers before he could be at her side, showing all of them that he had every intention of making her his mate.