Page 7 of Playful Kris

“Kam and I reviewed all of the last couple of years' numbers, the events that took place during the Bazaar, and we were able to come up with a few things that we feel like would benefit and drive the numbers higher this year.” Cora smiles at the table, only three of us smile back. Rebecca looks like she just sat on a stick.

Cora looks at me, so I step in. “We want to keep the events of last year, but just add to them more. I’m sure the bakery would love to create Christmas themed goodies for everyone again, and Santa is a must have.” I look down at the notes in my hand that Cora and I stayed up late working on. “Dennis has already agreed to be our Santa again this year, which is great. He’s wonderful with the kids, and everyone seems to love him based on the reviews that were posted last year.” I glance around the table. Marleigh and Megan stare intently, listening to what we’re saying. “We also discussed bringing in a live Reindeer for a photo op for kids. We could charge a very minimal fee or hire a photographer to cover Santa and reindeer pictures this year.”

“Another thing we did discuss was something that would boost those numbers right away. Some kind of night event that would get people interested. It’s easy to plan events for kids, but we want something that the parents would want to come back later that night to participate in. Any ideas?” Cora asks the table, silence falls upon everyone.

“I’m not sure what that would be.” Megan sighs, pressing her finger to her chin as she thinks.

“What about a raffle of some sort?” Marleigh offers. “Oh, or perhaps some type of show?”

“We did discuss having the local school do some type of performance, but we could always have an adult show later in the night?” I say.

“Adult show?” Rebecca frowns at us. This woman can’t have more than two friends with her attitude, there’s just no way.

Not that I’m one to speak, Cora is about it for me.

“That sounds like some type of stripper show.” She rolls her eyes. “Stripping Santas.” Her laugh sounds maniacally.

“Wait, Stripping Santas isn’t a bad idea.” Cora turns to me, a slight lift in the corners of her mouth.

“Stripping Santas?” Megan mulls the idea over. “I actually don’t think that would be a bad idea. It’s unusual and something we have never done before. There used to be some type of burlesque show here like ten years ago, but it lost interest so they stopped it. But, for the longest time, everyone bought tickets specifically for that event.” She looks at Marleigh. “I don’t think its’ a bad idea at all.”

“And who would we even get to strip for us? Birchwood isn’t exactly crawling with a lot of lookers, especially the ones that could take their clothes off,” Rebecca points out.

I hate to agree with the heifer, but she’s got a point.

“No worries, Kameron knows someone.”

The second the words are out of my best friend’s mouth, I want to kick her in the shin. I glare at her. The last person I want to talk to is him, and the idea of me having to ask him for a favor really chaps my ass.

“No way,” I say, immediately. There’s just no way.

“Oh, c’mon. He’d probably love doing it, and he’d have enough contacts to fill the entire show I bet.”

She does have a point, but that was years ago.

And there’s the big giant reason it’s a bad idea.


There’s a reason we haven’t talked in years.

“Kameron, just contact the guy.” Rebecca waves her hand at me. “Unless you don’t think you can handle an event like this?” Her eyes sparkle with the challenge.

And I don’t have the willpower to not let the bait bother me.

I latch onto it like a damn fish and a worm in the water.

“I’ll give him a call.” The words taste like acid coming from my mouth.

Considering I’m breaking a promise to myself.

“Great,” Cora squeals, clapping her hands together. “Let’s meet next week, and we can nail down a few other things.” I listen as Cora gives out duties to everyone to have figured out by the next time we meet. “And, Kam, you can call Kris tonight.”

“How about tomorrow?” I suggest.

“Not a chance, babe.” She winks before gathering all of her things, leaving me slumped back in the chair, trying to figure out how in the hell my life got twisted so upside down.

It’s like one minute I was fine, living my life in Birchwood with a job I really loved, and now I’m back to thinking about that rat bastard and how my heart still aches because of him.