Page 6 of Playful Kris

Cora’s mouth hangs open slightly, shocked by what’s been dropped in our laps.

“Mr. Daniel,” Rebecca holds her hand up rudely in our direction, “I mean no offense, but these two are far too young to be given one of our biggest events of the year. They haven’t even been with the Chamber for six months yet.”

Mr. Daniel’s stares at her. “And your point is, Rebecca? I think we’re all aware of how long Cora and Kameron have been employed here in Birchwood.”

A few people snicker around the table, and Rebecca turns a slight shade of red. I can’t tell if It’s from anger or embarrassment.

“I’m just saying, I don’t think it’s fair to those of us who have been here for years and put in far more work than they have, and this event is just handed to them.” She blows out a breath, almost sounding like a bull ready to charge at the red flag.

“I understand what you’re saying, Rebecca. However, the reason we hired two younger employees was for a new spin on things. We want new ideas; things that will relate to the younger population in Birchwood. I’ve decided to put them on the event, they’re in charge. Understood?” Mr. Daniel’s looks down the table at her, and she shrinks in size, I swear.

But the hateful stare Cora and I both receive from her could set us on fire easily.

“As I was saying, you two are in charge.” He directs his attention back to us. “If you need anything, please reach out, and I’d like to be updated weekly at our meetings. I’ll send out decisions on the Christmas Bazaar by the end of the day, those chosen will report to Cora and Kameron.”

Mr. Daniel’s is a very to the point man. Which means the second all information has been exchanged in our weekly meetings, he packs up and is the first one out the door. Some days it’s so quick I don’t even notice that he’s gone until the door is clicking shut behind him.

Cora and I are congratulated by a few of our co-workers, while Rebecca packs her things into her bag quite aggressively. If we didn’t already know where we stand with her, we do now.

Rebecca storms out, leaving Cora and I staring after her as everyone else slowly trickles out of the room.

“God, she’s such a bitch,” Cora breaks the silence, rolling her eyes and turning to face me.

“That I can’t argue with,” I agree. I don’t know what the issue is between us or why she hates us as much as she does, but damn. Get a life, sis.

“So, the Christmas Bazaar.” Cora looks me in the eyes, and slowly her smile spreads across her dainty face. “I cannot freaking believe he gave us the biggest event of the year.”

“Well, by the sounds of it, it hasn’t been their biggest event in quite some time,” I point out, reminding her of what he said when he was reviewing numbers.

“Yeah, that part does scare me actually.” She stands, moves over to the small stack that Mr. Daniels left on the table where he was sitting. “Here it is.” She slides the paper that explains the last few years numbers, what the events were, and all the information we need. “It looks like they had very generic things. Pictures with Santa, the bakery made Christmas themed cupcakes, there was eggnog, but according to this, nothing that would really drive a crowd in.”

“Well, we can certainly do better than that.” I scan over the numbers, reading the information and committing it to memory.

A few minutes later, our phones buzz with an email from Mr. Daniels. He’s already assigned the team that will be working with us, and as luck would have it, Rebecca is the first one listed.

“She’s going to be pissed.”

“I’m dreading the first meeting already,” I say, slumping back into my chair.

I’m not sure if I’ll have the Christmas spirit to put up with her.

“If we make it through alive, it’ll be a Christmas miracle.” Cora laughs.

A Christmas miracle Indeed.



The next day, we have our first scheduled meeting with the Christmas Bazaar team.

Rebecca sits at the head of the table, and I really have to restrain myself from rolling my eyes at her. That wouldn’t be very professional of me, but damn if I don’t want to right now.

“Hey, guys.” Cora steps in behind me, shutting the door and moving around the table to where we both sat yesterday. “I’ve brought coffee and donuts for us all.” She sets the boxes in the center of the table while I place the drink carriers beside it. “Let’s get right to it, shall we?”

Megan nods, she’s more friendly than Rebecca has ever been toward us, although she is Rebecca’s friend and there is an alliance there. Marleigh sits across from me today, making me extremely thankful I won’t have Rebecca glaring at me so obviously today.

It’s the little things, guys.