Page 95 of Playful Kris

Now I’m standing in the center of our town square, staring at the town theater where he is rehearsing for the show tomorrow night.

I have no idea what the plans are when he walks out of those doors in a little bit, and I wrap up all of my plans for the night.

I’m not sure if he’ll go back home, is he supposed to come to my place? I don’t even know what Cora’s plans are.

The slight panic attack I’m about to experience is coming on quicker than I’d like.

“Would you breathe?” Cora sidles up beside me. “You look like you’re two seconds away from passing out, and let me tell ya, babe… I’m not sure I could carry you all the way home alone.”

“Good thing your car is right there.” I suck in a breath, trying to fill my lungs with the air I desperately need.

“Are you freaking out?” she asks, moving to stand in front of me to cut off my view of the theater. “You look like you’re freaking out.”

“I’m…” I pause, looking at her while I try to maneuver through my thoughts in my head. “I’m not really sure what I am.”

“Okay…” she chuckles. “That really narrows it down.”

I smirk, she can always make me calm down. It’s what I love the most about my best friend, if times are hard, she can come in with a quick joke or say something that completely takes the edge off.

“I think, and I’m no psychiatrist…”

“We know this.” She nods.

“But, I think I’m scared,” I admit.

The second I say the words out loud, it becomes a reality, and I’m most definitely scared.

I’m scared that at any second he’ll decide this isn’t what he wants. That' he’ll rip my heart out when he decides he can’t be serious with me. My heart won’t survive another break.

Kris has taken two big hits to my heart, and it’s cracked so badly it’ll shatter to pieces next time.

“Listen,” Cora throws her arm over my shoulder and pulls me toward the hot chocolate stand, “it’s completely normal to be scared, especially in this situation. He caused a lot of damage, babe. I think it’s perfectly fine to be fearful.”

“And you know, what do I do tonight? Like what is the plan supposed to be when you finally realize you’re in love? Do we go bowling? Do we say goodnight and go our separate ways?”

“Okay, again… breathe. We don’t even have a bowling alley. Why don’t you just see where the night takes you?” she suggests.

And oh, duh. That makes perfect sense.

“Okay, yeah. I can do that.” I stare at her.

“Oh, God. You look like a deer in headlights.” She smiles but it does nothing to soothe my nerves this time. “Well, you better get it together because he’s on his way over here.” She nudges my arm and hands me a hot chocolate. “Here, hold this. It’ll give you something to fidget with.”

I turn, and my eyes connect with his. It’s like the air is sucked from my lungs when he smiles at me. His chiseled jaw, messy hair. I can’t wait to see him in the show tomorrow.

Then I frown.

What in the hell was I thinking letting him do this damn show tomorrow?

Because I know what’s underneath that baggy Nike shirt he’s wearing, and I don’t want any of the women in this town to stare at him either.

He’s barely six feet away from me when I hear his name called, and I frown further.


“I forgot you were going to be here.” She giggles, touching his bicep.

And just like the corny romance movies and novels, it’s like my eyes zoom in on that one movement.