Page 94 of Playful Kris

“Kris.” She sighs.

“I love you,” I blurt out.

Not exactly the most romantic thing ever but… It’ll have to do.

“Kris, you can’t.” Her eyes fill with tears. “You can’t just come here, after a month, afteryears,” she stresses the word, “of me waiting on you, and you show up here and tell me you love me. That’s not just something that you can say. I’ve waited years for you to say that, because I’ve always loved you but you could nev–”

I cut her off after I hear those words.

I slam my lips to her, my hand snaking around the back of her neck and holding her securely to me with a hand on her back as well.

She has always loved me.

That’s what she said.

I’m still in this.

I pull away, resting my forehead to hers. “I’ve always loved you, I just didn’t know how to identify those feelings. I was scared.” I kiss her forehead, before looking into her eyes. I need her to see all of my emotions as I say these words to her. “I was terrified that something would happen and I’d lose you. The idea of turning out the way that my parents did, fucking rocked me to my core. And I didn’t want to do that to you.” I shake my head. “I’d never forgive myself if I turned you into a shell of a person like my mother. But don’t ever think that I didn’t have true feelings for you.”

She lifts her head, looking me in the eyes.

“What makes this time so different?” she asks.

It’s a fair question. One that I have the answer to.

“Because this time, I’m no longer scared. I know I can’t live my life without you anymore. It hurts too fucking much.” I blow a breath out, waiting for her response.

I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as I wait.

Just when I think she’s about to tell me to fuck off, to go home, and leave her alone…

“I love you, too,” she finally whispers.

And my knees nearly buckle at the sound of those words coming from her lips.

Fucking finally.

“But you have to make it up to me.” She looks at me. “Cora said to make you grovel, flowers, chocolate, anything I want and I should demand it.” She pauses, looking directly into my eyes. “I don’t want to waste anymore of our time together though.”

Flowers? Every single day if I have to.

Chocolate? She’s got it.

Anything she wants, and I’ll move a fucking mountain to get it to her.



He loves me.

That’s what he said.He loves me.

And that kiss… my God, it made my knees knock.

But he freaking loves me.

Then I told him I loved him too.