“It’s yours.”
She shook her head. “You don’t have to give it to me. I’m just appreciating it.”
Silly woman. Didn’t she know that everything I had was hers? The robe… the bed… my heart.
I watched her as she dressed, but finally padded off to the bathroom to shower myself.
Despite having had her only a short while ago, the thought of Bianca undressing in the next room made me harden again. ButI had to shake it off because there was no time for another go around. I was meeting with my brothers this morning.
“Are you worried about us going into the office together?” she asked when we reached her building.
“I’m not coming inside,” I said, pulling into the circular driveway.
“You’re not?”
“No. I have a meeting this morning. But I’ll be in this afternoon.”
“All right.” She leaned in and kissed me. “Have a good day.”
“You too, Bumblebee.”
I waited until she was inside, then I peeled out of the driveway toward our office.
Western Security was the company Will started when we all returned from the military. He was right when he said we still all had that instinct to protect within us and it wasn’t something we could easily let go. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have this to fall back on. It wasn’t about the money. I knew how to make money in stocks. It was about purpose. And life without purpose led to dangerous roads—like getting arrested.
I found Will in his office after scanning my finger to get inside the building. Everyone’s cars were here, so I knew the others were around somewhere.
“Hey. Thanks for setting this up.”
“You were the one who asked for the meeting, brother. You know we’ll come running anytime you call.”
Damn, that felt good. I had parents, but I never felt like I had a family until I met these men.
Jake and Christian were in the kitchen. Jake poured himself a cup of coffee.
“Morning, Jager,” said Christian.
“Morning,” I said, taking a seat at the large white table in the middle of the room.
Jake sat down first, taking a sip slowly from his steaming mug. “So, what’s this about? Girl trouble?”
Christian snorted. “Just because your girl ran from you at every opportunity doesn’t mean we all have those problems.”
Jake scowled at him, but Will laughed. “Oh, is that funny, Will?” asked Jake. “Well, at least mine didn’t wait until she was taped to a wall to finally allow me to help her.”
“No. She waited until she was kidnapped,” Will quipped back.
“As much as I’d love your advice on women, as it’s obvious you all know so much about them,” I said sarcastically, “It’s not that. Things between me and Bianca are really good right now.”
“Show off,” said Christian with a grin.
I rubbed the back of my neck and stared up at the ceiling. “Man, this is harder than I thought it would be.”
“Just spit it out, Jager. Don’t think. Just speak. What’s on your mind?” asked Will.
I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. “I can’t sleep.”
My hands were still over my face, so I peeked through my fingers to see their faces. They were blank.