“Your girl has a lot of spirit,” said Will.
“She isn’t my girl,” I said, mesmerized by the way she tossed her hair out of her face while she danced.
“Then you’re an idiot.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Anyone with eyes can see that you care about that woman. Don’t let her get away.”
“It’s not that easy, Will. There’s history between us.”
“I don’t know anything about the past, but if you don’t want to fuck up the future, you better do something now.”
The song ended, and Will stood up the moment he heard the soft chord of the piano. Christina turned toward him as though she sensed him before she even saw him and threw her arms around his neck.
Bianca stared at them for a moment, and I watched her face as it turned from joyful to pensive. I didn’t like seeing her that way.
Somehow, I found myself walking onto the dance floor, simply wanting to escort her back to her seat. But when she turned toward me, my hands encircled her waist, and I pulled her closer.
She smelled of roses and lilacs. Like a warm summer day. And when she smiled up at me, it was as though the sun shined on my face and I had to close my eyes or be blinded by it.
I wasn’t sure if her head drifted onto my chest or if I’d pulled her there, but my fingers nestled into her hair and my heart beat against her temple.
Although there was music, I couldn’t tell which song the band played. My body simply moved to the rhythm as my head spun with the possibilities of what this meant.
As though she could read my thoughts, she lifted her face and searched my eyes. If she found what she was looking for, I wasn’t sure, but there was something I needed to know.
“I want you tonight.” I ran my fingers through her hair. “If it’s not what you want, then tell me now, and I won’t ever mention it again.”
She watched me for a long time. It felt like an eternity, but then nodded once.
“You have to say it, so I know there’s no hesitation.”
“Jager.” Her voice was husky, and her eyes slow to blink. But in a steady tone, she continued, “I want you to take me to your place tonight.”
It was hard to think with Jager’s fingers in my hair and his hips pressed up against my belly. The muscled wall of his chest felt like a shield from the world. I felt safe and warm in his arms, and I didn’t care that he had hurt me in the past. He was here for me now.
His nostrils flared when I told him I wanted to go back to his place, but other than that, he hadn’t moved. He stopped dancing and looked up toward the doors.
Then he interlaced his fingers with mine and pulled me off the dance floor. But instead of exiting the lobby, Jager walked up to the hotel check-in desk.
“I’d like one of your best rooms for the night,” he said, pulling out his wallet and handing the employee a black credit card.
His black blazer stretched as he reached for the card. “It’s a pleasure to have you stay with us, Mr. Payne. We have the penthouse suite available, if you’d like.”
“That isn’t necessary,” I said at the same time Jager replied, “I’ll take it.”
I pulled on his jacket lapels. “Jager, I can wait to get to your place. You don’t have to blow a thousand dollars for a room.”
“It’s five thousand dollars, ma’am,” the employee corrected me.