Page 108 of Protecting Bianca

I kissed him softly. Then he lifted me onto his waist and stared into my eyes. “I love you so much it hurts. There’s an ache in my chest whenever I see you frown or when I think you’re sad or disappointed. I don’t care anymore about that letter. All that matters now is that I have you.”

I pressed my lips to his and kissed him harder this time with all the passion I felt inside. The longing of a teenager and the desire of a woman. “You may not have known it, and neither did I, but my soul knew you’d come back to me and that I should wait for you.”

“I found you, even when I didn’t know it was you. You were always meant to be in my life. Now I promise to keep it that way.”

I smirked. “Speaking of promises…you mentioned taking care of me earlier?”

He groaned. “I thought you’d never ask.”



One month later…

It was bitterly cold outside as I climbed out of Jager’s car. The forecast called for snow, but so far the looming clouds had held off and it was only gray skies. But despite the weather, I smiled as I walked up the wooden steps. I couldn’t help it. Today was the day I walked into my new home. A home I saved up for and purchased all on my own.

I pressed the key into the lock and turned while Jager held the screen door behind me. Slowly, I opened the door and looked around the empty space. There was a staircase to the right and the living room to the left. The kitchen was in the back and it could all be seen from the front entrance. It wasn’t very big at all. But it was mine. I clasped my hands together and turned toward Jager.

He chuckled. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you!”

I looked around the empty rooms, imagining some of the furnishings Jager and I went to look at. They were too expensive, of course, so Jager agreed to go shopping with me at the second-hand store this afternoon. But a girl could dream.

“Shall we check upstairs?”

“Absolutely,” I said. “Race you to the top.”

I ran up the steps, two at a time, and squealed when Jager grabbed me around the waist. I wiggled out of his grasp and reached the top of the stairs first. “Ha, I won!”

He shook his head. “We both win when you bounce up and down like that.” I smacked his chest playfully, and he kissed my fingers.

“Let’s check out the bedroom,” he said.

I scoffed. “You know what the bedroom looks like.”

“I do. I just want to make sure the bed you picked out will fit there.”

I groaned. “It was a magnificent bed, wasn’t it? Four posts and a king-sized mattress.”

“Yes. It’s perfect.”

“I know. But, honestly, after the lawyer fees and realtor fees, I don’t think I can afford it. I’m sure we’ll find a great piece at the store today.”

He nodded and walked around the room. “But you liked the bed, right?”

“Of course, I did.” I rolled my eyes. “It was gorgeous.”

“And what about the other furniture in the store? Did you like those pieces, too?”

“They were perfect, really. And one day I’ll get them for this place.”

Jager walked around and stopped in front of the window. “Good, that’s really good.”


“Because you were very clear about wanting to pay for this house, but…”