Tanner watched Ashton trot up the stairs before going to Everly and wrapping his arms around her and kissing her forehead.

“You are home early. Is everything alright?”

“We were quiet, so Doug let me leave early.”

“He sounds like a good guy.”

“He is.”

Tanner’s heart started to pound. He knew that she liked her job, even if the hours weren’t ideal. He was just hoping that they’d be able to find her something that would suit her better in the valley.

He stared into her eyes, wanting nothing more than to ask her to come home with him – and stay. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking as she looked back into his eyes. He tightened his arms around her.

“I don’t want to leave you.”

She nodded slowly. “I don’t want you to.”

“Come with me? I talked to Cash earlier; he said he can send the plane tomorrow night.”

She tightened her arms around him. “Can I ask you to make me a promise?”

He nodded slowly, wondering what was coming.

“If we come with you, you have to promise to tell me if things change for you. If we get there, and it’s not working for you, you have to tell me – you’re not stuck with us, understand?”

He smiled as he ran his hand over her hair. “I could never be stuck with you, you’re what I want – both of you. If it’ll set your mind at ease, then I’ll promise to tell you if that ever changes, but it won’t. You have to make me the same promise, though. If we get up there and it turns out that I’m not what you want, you have to tell me.” He frowned. “I don’t want you to feel that you’re stuck with me. I don’t want you to feel that you gave up your life only to get stuck in one that you don’t want.”

“That won’t happen. You’re what I want – and we both know that you’re what Ashton wants. I just… I don’t want to feel dependent on you. I need a job.”

He had to smile. “I know.”

“Why’s that funny?”

He chuckled. “Because I think the job might have found you.”

“What job?”

“It’s not my place to say. I know how this must look, but it’s not my doing.”

“Then what?”

“Mom! Tanner! I’m ready! Come on up. We can read the cowboy book tonight.”

Tanner chuckled. “Tonight, he says – it’s the only book he wants to read.”

“And we both know why,” said Everly. “But after we read with him, you’re going to have to explain yourself.”

“Okay.” He was hoping that by the time they were done reading, he wouldn’t need to explain anything. Cash had surprised him in the best way when he spoke to him earlier. But he still felt as though he should stay out of it. Cash might have interfered a tiny bit, but Tanner wanted to be able to say in all honesty that he’d had nothing to do with it.

When they reached Ashton’s bedroom, the kid was sitting in the middle of his bed holding his book up. He patted the bed on either side of him. “This is awesome. I get both of you tonight.”

Once they were settled, Tanner met Everly’s gaze over Ashton’s head and smiled. If being with her felt right, this felt even more right, if that were possible. He’d kind of thought that he’d have a family of his own one day – even if he’d never examined that thought too closely. But this? This was better than he’d ever dreamed it might be. Maybe one day, he and Everly would have a child of their own, but he loved Ashton as if he were his own already.

Ashton handed him the book. “You read it.” He turned to Everly. “He does the best cowboy voice.”

Everly laughed. “Doesn’t he?”

Tanner grinned and put on his best gruff cowboy voice as he started to read. He got so caught up in the story that Everly caught him by surprise when she tapped his shoulder a little while later.