“That was kind of awesome, but back here in the real world, I still need to find a job up there. I still have to think about the house here. I still need to keep an eye on your house.”

“You don’t have to do a damn thing you don’t want to, sweetie.”

“Yes, I do. I can’t just…”

“You can! For once in your life, would you stop being so damned responsible? If you want to go with him, go! I can come back and deal with your house and ours. I could call in a moving company, and get your things packed up and on their way to you in no time. I could do the same with our house if it came to it. All I’m saying, Everly, is that there are no practical reasons to hold you back. If you don’t want to do it, that’s one thing. If you do, then go for it.”

“Thanks, Mom. But I need a job.”

“You’re a resourceful young woman – you’ll find one.”

Everly shook her head as she turned into her driveway and cut the engine. “I’m home.”

Her mom chuckled. “You are for now, but I think you’ll be calling Montana home before you know it. I’ll let you go. Give our little man a big hug for me and say hello to Tanner for me. I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

“Will do. Give Joe my love.”

“I will. He sends his. Talk to you soon. Love you.”

“Love you, Mom.”

~ ~ ~

“Mom’s home!”

Tanner grinned at Ashton. “It’s a good thing we got your homework finished.”

Ashton giggled. “Only just!”

Tanner narrowed his eyes at him. “You’re going to get me into trouble. Tomorrow, we need to get the homework done and out of the way first.”

“Tomorrow’s Friday. I don’t have to do it tomorrow.”

“We’ll see what your mom says.”

“What I say about what?” Everly asked as she came in through the front door.

Tanner laughed. “How did you even hear that before you came in?”

“I told you; she knows everything.”

Everly laughed. “I don’t know about everything, but I do know that you will do whatever it takes to get out of doing homework.” She smiled at Tanner. “And you might not understand yet just how slippery this little creature can be.” As she spoke, she tried to wrap her arms around Ashton, but the kid wriggled away, laughing as he went to stand behind the armchair.

Tanner laughed as he watched them. “He’s slippery, alright. I didn’t understand it at first, but I’m learning fast.”

“It’s true, though, isn’t it, Mom? I don’t have to do homework on Fridays, do I?”

“No. But you don’t get to leave it until Sunday night, either. Did you do tonight’s homework?”

Ashton grinned at Tanner. “We did, didn’t we?”

“We did.” He winked at the kid. They should have done it earlier, but it was done.

“You’re home early, Mom. If I get ready now, can we all read?”

That took Tanner by surprise. From what he’d seen, Ashton usually asked for more time before bed – not to go early.

“Sure,” said Everly. “You go up and get ready.”