I gazed down at my Omega, taking in her delicate features. Even with her eyes rimmed red and her nose pink at the tip, she was breathtaking. How could anyone look at her and not see her inherent worth?
“Kitten,” I murmured, keeping my tone low enough for only her to hear. She tilted her face up to mine, that ice-blue gaze filled with a mixture of vulnerability and trust that fuckingshookme. “I need you to listen to me very carefully.”
She nodded obediently, giving me her full attention.
Good girl.
I cupped her cheek gently, my thumb brushing away a stray tear.
Being sentimental had never been my forte, but I’d try anything to erase the look I’d seen on her face that told me, on some level, she’d believed what that bitch had said to her.
“What that woman said to you was cruel, and more importantly, it was wrong,” I began, my tone firm but gentle. “You are not weak, or pathetic, or any of those vile things she spewed,” I promised. “You’re strong, resilient, and worthy of love and respect.”
Kitania’s eyes widened, a flicker of hope dancing in their icy depths. I held her gaze, willing her to believe every word.
“You’ve survived hardships that would break most people, little one,” I continued, hoping the low, deep timbre of my voicewas somehow soothing. “That strength is part of what draws me to you. But it’s not just your resilience that makes you special.”
I dared to brush a strand of hair behind her ear, happy when she didn’t flinch or pull away. I marveled at its soft, silky texture. Fingers skimming down her jaw, I captured her chin and lifted her face until she was staring into my eyes—my very fucking soul—so she knew the next words to come out of my mouth were nothing but genuine.
“It’s your kindness, your compassion. Even after everything you’ve been through, you still find it in your heart to show mercy to those who wrong you. That’s a rare and beautiful thing, Kitten.”
And something I lost a long time ago.
I could already tell she was my better half. The light to my darkness.
Her eyelids fluttered closed, and a single tear escaped to trail down her cheek. I swiped it with my thumb, never wanting to see her cry. When she opened those pretty blues, I saw a glimmer of something new there—a tiny spark of self-belief.
“From this moment on,” I vowed, my tone brooking no argument, “you will be treated with the respect and adoration you deserve. Not just by us, but by everyone who crosses your path. And if anyone dares to disrespect you again, they’ll answer tome. To all of us.”
A blastof cool air hit me as we stepped into Gio’s “sanctuary.” Huge displays of men and women doing various sports were plastered on the walls, and base-filled music thumped in the background. The clothing was an explosion of colors and patterns. I marveled at the sleek designs, excited about the array of silky, soft, stretchy fabrics.
The hard edges of Gio’s features seemed to relax and I could tell he was infinitely more comfortable here than he’d been in the last place. In truth, so was I.
Interlacing our fingers, he led me through aisles of athletic wear while his brothers trailed after us.
“See anything you like?” he asked, his gravelly voice tinged with a hint of excitement.
Honestly, this store was much more my speed, and some of my tension eased as I glanced around.
“I like a lot of things,” I told him, not even sure where to start.
I peeked through the racks, nervously gnawing on my lip while discreetly glancing at price tags, worried about the considerable amount of money they’d already spent on me. Because I knew they were watching, despite pretending to browse, I picked out a few items that were less expensive.
Gio held up a vibrant blue set that included yoga pants and a matching sports bra. “This would look amazing on you.”
I skimmed my fingers over the fabric, liking it instantly. “It’s nice.”
“Want me to put all this in a dressing room for you?” he offered, motioning toward the few items in my hand.
The idea of trying on more clothes zapped my enthusiasm, but I plastered on a weak smile, not wanting to dampen his spirit.
“Um, I guess?” I whispered, my voice barely audible over the pulsing music.
Gio’s face fell slightly, and guilt gnawed at my insides. I was letting him down. I had to try harder.