I didn’t take violence against women lightly, butfuck, it would be so easy to end her. Theaudacityof this woman, to speak of Kitania that way, to imply she knew whatIneeded.

A cruel laugh split the air. “Someone likeyou?” I scoffed, disgust clear.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Kitania watching us, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and... was that concern? For me? Or for this worthless creature in my grasp? The thought of Kitania’s compassion extending to the person who had hurt her so deeply both frustrated and amazed me.

I leaned in close to Jennica, my words barely above a whisper. “Let me make something very clear. Kitania is worth a thousand of you. Her strength, her kindness, her resilience—you couldn’t hope to match it in a lifetime.”

My Omega’s gasp felt loud in the confines of the dressing room.

“Dimitri…” she murmured softly, and it cut through the red haze of my fury as her hand landed gently on my forearm. Just hearing my name on her lips made the dead organ in my chest beat back to life. I turned to her, noting the unshed tears that sparkled in her eyes.

Done with the entire ordeal and more than ready to tend to my Omega, my grip on Jennica’s throat loosened, having conveyed my message.

“Don’t worry, Kitten. She might deserve it, but I won’t end her. Let’s get you out of here.”

With one last warning glare, I released Jennica, who collapsed to the floor, coughing and sputtering.

I crouched down, getting right in the bitch’s face. “Listen carefully,” I snarled. “I rarely take my wrath out against women, but I’ll forget the few morals I have left if youeverutter a bad word about my Omega again.”

Just then, the boutique owner burst in, pale with fear. “Mr. Cristenello,” he stammered, gaze darting between me and Jennica. My brothers rushed in behind him, scrutinizing the scene and assessing for the threats.

It didn’t take long to fill them all in on the situation.

“I-I’m so sorry for the disrespect,” Maison sputtered. “Please, how can we make this right?”

I stood slowly, fixing him with an icy glare. “An apology isn’t enough, Maison. I want her fired. Now. And as recompense, your ‘rent’ has just doubled for the next two months. Consider it a lesson in choosing your employees more carefully.”

The man nodded frantically, sweat beading on his forehead. “Of course, Mr. Cristenello. I’ll take care of it immediately.”

With a last disdainful glance at Jennica, who appeared thoroughly shaken as she climbed to her feet with a hand pressed against her throat, I spat a final warning, “I want you out of my city. You have three days to vacate.”

“W-What?!” she spluttered in shock before anger consumed her and her teeth gnashed together. “You can’t do that.”

“Oh, I can. And I have. Three days.”

I turned my back on her and focused on Kitania, my rage melting away as I took in her fragile form. Despite everything, she stood tall, her compassion shining through.

I stepped closer, my voice softening. “Are you alright, Kitten?”

She nodded, drawing in a tumultuous breath. “I’m okay. Thank you. For sticking up for me.”

“Always, little Omega,” I vowed. Ripping the tag off the forgotten sweater, I pulled it over head, helping her dress, satisfied when the smaller size fit her just right.

I turned back to Maison, who was still hovering anxiously. “All of Kitania’s new clothing will be delivered to our penthouse. You’ll handle it personally. Everything is to be treated with the utmost care, understood?”

“Yes, Mr. Cristenello. I’ll ensure the delivery is perfect,” he replied, nodding, eager to have this mess sorted.

Pointing to the sweater I’d just placed on my Omega, I added, “And I want one of these in every damn color you have added to our order.”

Without another word, I scooped Kitania into my arms. She let out a small gasp of surprise, her delicate hands instinctively clutching at my shirt. The familiar gesture sent a wave of protectiveness through me.

“Let’s get you out of here,” I murmured, cradling her close as I strode out of the shop.

I could sense my brothers following, their anger and concern palpable. As we reached the car, I carefully settled Kitania in the backseat before sliding in next to her, leaving Marco to slide in behind the wheel with Gio in the passenger’s seat. Tommas took the back row.

Once we were moving, my mate leaned into me, her small frame fitting perfectly against my side. I wrapped an arm around her, savoring her warmth. Her scent was infuriatingly absent,and I realized how quickly I’d come to hate those neutralizing lotions and sprays. They’d never bothered me before, but knowing I could have picked up on Kitania’s distress much sooner if I could’ve smelled her signature weighed on me.

As we drove through the city streets, I kept Kitania tucked securely against my side. Her small body trembled, and I tightened my hold, wishing I could shield her from all the unkindness in the world. The car was silent, tension thick in the air as my brothers seethed over what had transpired.