I smiled and nodded back at him.“Yes,” I said.
He unsealed his trousers and pulled them down, releasing his big, proud, uncircumcised cock.“You ready for some more of this?”
His eyes gleamed like stars and my smile widened as he pulled his leather trousers lower and stepped out of them, his dong swinging temptingly as he moved.“Yes, please,” I answered.
“Let’s all go inside,” Byron said.“I just remembered I have something for her too.”
“You just said it’s my turn,” said Cade, puzzled.
“It is,” said Byron.“But we’ll all appreciate this.Let’s go.”
I looked curiously at Byron.I knew I could trust him—but what could he possibly have in mind?
On our way into the inner cabins of the yacht, Elliot asked Cade, “So how’s the job?Did you get it done?”
“Nah,” Cade replied.“It’s for tomorrow night.My cousin just wanted to tell me what it’s about.”
“All’s good, then?” Elliot asked.
Cade shrugged and made a distant sort of look, as if something more than just the job was on his mind.“As good as it’s gonna get,” he answered.
“Are you sure?” asked Elliot.
Holding up his hands as if in frustration and worry, Cade had an edge in his voice.“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine!It’s good.It’s just…,” he sighed, sounding disgusted, with some other feeling in his voice that I couldn’t name.He was definitely not happy about something.“It’s family,” he said, in a very distracted tone, sounding not at all as sexy as he’d sounded when he landed on the deck.“You know how family gets sometimes, like an itch on your scales that you can’t scratch.Family, that’s all.”
I could have sworn there was something more to his suddenly dark, sour feeling than this.But Cade wasn’t talking, and Elliot just accepted it, giving Cade a friendly slap on the shoulder.“I know how that can be,” he said.
Byron led us down a short hallway and into a spacious room with a big window taking up one wall and a cozy-looking sofa with pillows in front of it.There was track lighting across the ceiling and a huge, of course dragon-sized bed, and a dresser and a walk-in closet.This, I guessed, was the mastercabin of the yacht.It almost reminded me of a room at a five-star hotel.
At the sight of our accommodations, Cade’s mood brightened.He reached over to me and grabbed and squeezed my bottom, startling but not offending me.I couldn’t imagine these guys doing a sexy thing that I’d find offensive.
The look that Cade wore on the deck was back.He said to me, “Perfect place to fuck in, eh?”
I blushed at that but said nothing.I knew only too well what I was in for with these guys tonight.
“Before that, though,” Byron said, “like I mentioned out there, I’ve got something for you, Jenna.”The rest of us watched him go to that dresser, pull open the top drawer, and pull out a little jewel case.He held it up and smiled.“This,” he said.
Byron approached me with what he’d taken from the drawer and a funny, embarrassed sort of feeling twisted inside me.I held up my hands to him.“Oh, Byron, that’s not necessary.You didn’t have to do that.”It felt like a well-to-do guy trying to impress a girl with his money and buy her affections.Byron didn’t have to do that.He and his friends had more than impressed me already, and there was no need for expensive gifts; I liked them just fine for what the three of them had already given me.
But Byron had anticipated my reaction.“It’s not like what you’re thinking,” he said.“But it is something special.”He opened the little box and took from inside it a jewel, about the size of a quarter coin, on a gold chain.I had never seen a jewel quite like these before.It didn’t just shine and sparkle; it changed colors–and it seemed to be sparkling right at me.
In a voice of quiet wonder, I asked, “What is that?”
Elliot answered for him.“It’s a sensor jewel.”
I looked, perplexed, from Elliot back to Byron and his gift.“A sensor jewel?What does that mean?”
“It changes colors to show the way you’re feeling,” Byron explained.
“On Earth there used to be something like this,” I remembered.“It was called a mood ring.”
“This doesn’t just detect your mood,” Byron said.“A sensor jewel shows what you’re feeling–physically.”He smiled suggestively at that word.“The mounting and attachment of the gem contains little sensors and transmitters that work with the Ambience.Physicians use these to detect where pain is in the body.And other people use it…,” his smile widened sexily, “for what we’ll be doing the rest of tonight.”
My tone turned to a hush.