Between kisses, Byron said, “You’re safe with us, you know that?”
“I know,” I whispered, my head feeling light.
“You’re not alone,” said Elliot between kisses of his own that rained on my lips and my cheek.“We’ll look out for you.”
Again, I sighed in response, “I know.”
“Come over here,” said Byron, tilting his head to one of the pieces of deck furniture arranged on this open area of the boat.One of them was a sofa bed as large and broad as the beds in Elliot’s and Byron’s bedrooms.Byron led me over to it, with Elliot following us, and I grinned with one corner of my mouth, thinking the obvious question, I wonder what that’s for? and not needing to be told the answer.In a few seconds, they showed me what it was for.
The guys collected the towels and tossed them casually onto the deck.Lying down on my back on the sofa bed, I immediately had their hands and their mouths all over me, kissing and fondling me.I gazed up at the stars and received their lips on my neck and shoulders, their hands on my breasts and nipples.I let them go wherever they wanted on my body, pleasuring me in unison.Soon I had them licking and sucking my nipples.Elliot stayed at my bosom, sucking at the little pebbles of flesh they had made there, while Byron made me giggle by sticking his tongue into my belly button.After teasing me that way, he kissed and licked the rest of the way down my abdomen and rustled his nose in my pubes before reaching his destination.He opened my legs wider and moved his face between them, and drew sounds of delight from me as he licked and kissed the entrance of my pussy.
Byron’s eating me out was like the soft waves and currents of the river flowing around the boat.I felt carried along by them, swept gently in a stream of pleasure.It continued through his licking of the softness around my entrance, the probing of his tongue inside me, and the playful strumming of his thumb onto my clit.Meanwhile, at my bosom, Elliot sucked my nipples harder, taking one in his mouth while rolling and pinching the other in his fingers, then sucking the other one and fingering the one he’d sucked.So much pleasure entering my body from twodifferent guys made me see more stars than there were in the sky.
While I whimpered happily from Byron licking and fingering me down below, Elliot kissed and licked me between my breasts.Then he rose up on the cushion and carefully moved one big-muscled leg over my body, and softly put himself on top of me, setting his ass on my bosom and straddling me.Gently, he took my head in one hand and moved it forward.With the other hand he moved the shaft of his cock to meet my lips and let me take it into my mouth.I made an Mmm sound that vibrated into his prick.He leaned his head back and sucked in a breath of air.“Shit,” he groaned.“Fuck, yeah…”And with his long dick inserted in my mouth, Elliot leaned forward against the back of the sofa and slowly began to buck back and forth with that luscious dick, orally fucking me.
I grasped Elliot’s hips, both holding him and surrendering to him.Whole new worlds of delight were opening up in me with Elliot doing to my mouth what he had done so many times to my pussy, while Byron took his cue from Elliot and started to pass his tongue in and out of my sex.How lucky could a girl be?I was being fucked two ways by two utterly incredible guys.The athlete rocking on my bosom and sliding his dick over my tongue and the princely heir with his handsome face between my thighs, darting his tongue in and out of my wetness, were teaching me a physical language of complete bliss, a bodily vocabulary of joy.And I was their most willing and eager pupil.
For a good long while, I reveled in what they were doing to me, and while they worked together on me above and below, I squeezed Elliot’s buttocks in my hands and spread them apart.In a rumbling, throaty voice, he cried, “Fuck yeah!Shit, that’s good!Squeeze that fucking ass!”He continued sliding his dong in my mouth with careful skill, impressing me with the way he stayed in control of himself and took care not to choke or hurtme.He was so perfect.They both were, fucking me in their different ways, Byron’s tongue moving inside me making the perfect complement to Elliot’s prick sliding between my lips.
But eventually, the pleasuring that I was getting down below ended with Byron taking away his tongue.With Elliot still penetrating my mouth and grunting deliciously as he went along, I heard Byron said, “Climb off now, buddy; let me fuck her.”
With a last grunt, Elliot let his dick slip completely from my mouth, swung himself off of me, and lay down beside me.He kissed me where he had just fucked me, then moved and let Byron climb from between my thighs and lie down on top of me.Byron tenderly kissed my lips and moved his boner to where his own lips had been.New pleasure burst inside me like a sudden flame at the first exciting stroke of his cock, passing smoothly between my labia and sliding right into my depths, sheathing itself deep inside my pussy.
Sex was still so new to me, and I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to it than Byron on top of me and the rhythm of his cock pumping inside me, while Elliot lay beside us, stroking my face with a softness to match Byron’s hard, vigorous thrusting.It made an excited drumbeat of passion in both my body and my spirit.I whimpered ecstatically at Elliot, and he puckered his lips at me in the gesture of a kiss.He pointed down his own body and I looked there to find his own prick huge and hard, waiting for his turn with me.Everything turned to a spinning blur of growing pleasure as Byron, grunting in a fever of pleasure, turned my face to his, and our lips met.His kiss on my mouth muffled my sounds of elation.He continued pumping hard, never letting up, and I never wanted him to slack his pace or stop his wonderful penetrations unless it was to let Elliot take over on top of me.The more they fucked me, the more I would crave their awesome bodies, their mighty and pounding cocks.My mind reverberated with a single thought.Fuck me.Fuck me…
And Byron did.He propped himself up on his elbows and began to ram himself harder inside me, and now the sounds of my pleasure-maddened moaning rose up from the deck of the boat into the dark night air.As he did the first time he topped and entered me, Byron changed from a gentleman to a thing of the most wonderfully savage passion, plunging his cock inside me with all his might, bellowing and roaring his need for my pussy, thrilling me with the fury of his fucking.Now my thoughts turned to words.“Oh, yes!Don’t stop!Fuck me, fuck me…!”He lowered his face back to mine and enveloped my mouth in another animal kiss, then tore his lips away and emitted beast-like groans while slamming his cock inside me and making me almost scream with the force and the ecstasy of it.
His humping on top of me went on, faster and harder, until the pleasure grew too strong for him to contain.With one last, hard thrust, it overtook him, and he roared madly, “FUCK!”I sensed him coming.His holding his dick all the way inside me and the long rumble of satisfaction that he made, told me that his cream was pouring into me.I returned his sounds with little moans of my own as I kissed at his shoulder and his neck, happily receiving what I knew was flowing from his throbbing dick.
Byron pumped me more slowly and deliberately, kissing me all over my face, whispering, “Fuck, you’re good,” until his dong softened, and he had to pull out.It was like a storm of passion subsiding as he rolled to one side of me and lay with the softened hose of his peen resting against his pubes, still dripping with cum.From the other side of me, the next storm came in with Elliot climbing where Byron had just been and easing hisown immense prick into the slippery wetness where his friend had just finished.
The sudden burst of new pleasure from Elliot’s colossal dick entering me once more was like explosions of joy running from down below up to my brain.Wailing madly and loving every inch of him, I wrapped his shoulders in my arms and clenched my thighs around his hips, squeezing my incredibly hot dragon guy as if I were a python.But there was no question as to who was in charge here.Elliot took command of my body and my pussy and fucked me with all his strength and athletic prowess.I worshipped his body with my touches and caresses up and down his back and buttocks, and rubbed my thighs against his bucking hips, starting a blaze on my skin and his as if his passion were bolts of lightning hitting us both.While there was no question that Byron was absolute male beauty, Elliot was total male perfection in face, body, and cock; a creature built for fucking, who did it to me with a beauty and a fury that no one could match.
I submitted to Elliot totally, moaning desperately between his kisses, receiving the thunderous blows of his prick inside my passage, almost sobbing from the passion that he emitted from himself and ignited inside me.I wanted his body and his cock as I’d never wanted anything else in my life.I pushed up against his thrusting, begging him to give me more and more of his powerfully thrusting pole.And he delivered.He fucked me so that all of my senses turned to a shimmering of limitless joy.
Elliot sounded as if he were dying and being born all at once as he worked his massive member deep, deep inside me.“Fuck…fuck…FUCK…!”The act of pumping inside my pussy took him over as much as it did me.We weren’t aware of anything now, not even Byron lying next to us, watching his friend do his feverishly sexy work on top of me.I gulped and gasped under Elliot, receiving and rejoicing in his maleperfection, until I sensed the buildup of his ecstasy.Elliot was getting close to his moment.
Suddenly he rose to his knees while keeping his dick inside me and moved one hand unerringly down to my clit.I whined with an insanely growing pleasure as Elliot thumbed my clit while thrusting inside my pussy, and I shouted his name when a supernova of an orgasm lit up my brain and created a shockwave of joy through my body.As if on cue, Elliot roared, “AAAHHH!FUCK!”, and held his dong inside me, pressing his balls against me, the sure sign that his own climax was now flooding my pussy with his own thick and plentiful cum.He settled down on top of me, his dick still sheathed all the way in me, and pulled tenderly at my lips with wet, warm kisses.Our panting breaths mixed.His muscles shuddered deliciously.He resumed fucking, more slowly, letting us both savor each wet stroke of his shaft inside me, until he was spent and let his tool slip out.
I lay between Byron and Elliot, staring up at the stars whose radiant energy, so many light years away, seemed feeble compared with the power of what these guys had just done to me.Our breathing slowed.We basked in satisfaction, there in the starlight with the watery sounds of the river surrounding us.I imagined myself being carried away on a river of my desire for them.Byron had said we’d have the boat for the whole night.It would be a whole night filled with what they’d just done to me.It amazed me that I could keep up with Elliot for a whole night.How would I do with him and Byron at once?I looked forward to finding out.
From somewhere in the night came the distant sound of a dragon calling like some ancient, titanic bird of prey.Byron and Elliot sat up, and I raised myself up on my elbows, and we all looked into the sky from the direction of that screeching dragon roar.The sound repeated, sounding closer.
“It’s him,” said Byron.
“Yep, that’s him, all right,” Elliot agreed.
I felt a bit ignorant, not knowing the call of one dragon from another.But then I’d only gotten to know three Scalers very closely.They probably had ways, perhaps instinctive ways, of distinguishing the call of one of them from the call of another.All I knew was that if Elliot and Byron were here and another was flying in, there was one that it was most likely to be.
A moment later, a winged, scaly shape, trailing a powerful tail, began to circle the boat.And in the lights of the boat, I could make out that it was wearing leather pants.
“Showoff,” said Elliot, grinning.
The flying reptilian figure swooped in low with a powerful beating of his wings and thrashing of his tail and descended onto the deck.With a deep, rasping noise coming from his dragon throat, he folded his wings and let his dragon body features recede into a very familiar, shirtless young male form.Cade smiled at us, a mysterious kind of smile, as if he were pleased to see us, but there was something else behind his eyes.
“You’re here at the perfect time,” said Byron, tilting his head at me.“It’s your turn.”And he kissed me on my shoulder.
“Oh yeah?” Cade said, grinning wickedly.He raised his arms and flexed his biceps and his hairy pecs.“So, Jenna, you ready for some more of this?”