“Yes,” he says. “If you would do me the honor I would spend the rest of my life with you. I will never again leave your side.”
“Even to go to war?”
He frowns. “Unless you ordered it so, I would keep you with me.”
My heart is in my throat for an entirely different reason but as it leaps up there I look at my life. My boring, empty, pointless life. I have no one. No real connections to anyone on my home planet and I’ve kept it that way. As if some part of me knew. Knew this was coming and it would be easier to walk away.
What was that movie with De Niro and Pacino?Heat.It comes and the one line that stuck out to me from it.“Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat…”
“Yes,” I say, without another thought.
“Yes?” his eyes widen in surprise and he blinks rapidly. “You are sure?”
“Yes,” I nod. “I’ve been waiting for you. For ten, very long, very lonely years. I tried, but no one could compare to you. Nothing. I know you are the one for me. And if that means we have to fight a war, then so be it. Though I know nothing of how to, I trust you. I love you.”
He leaps to his feet so fast it’s a blur.
“Yes!” he exclaims pulling me to my feet and into his embrace.
We kiss.
Then an alarm sounds.
Alight flashes on the console along with the blaring bell like ringing. Jax jumps back into his seat and his hands are moving all over the controls. He says something I don’t understand at all. I’m hazarding a guess it must be in his own language.
His own language. One that is not native to Earth.
It’s such a strange idea to contemplate. He’s not from here. Looking at him now, all smurf blue even if he is well over six feet tall, it’s evident yet unbelievable at the same time. And he’s a prince. This is almost like some kind of weird fairy tale.
“Sit back,” he orders and I do as I’m told.
I’m glad I did. As soon as I scoot all the way into the seat it feels like I sink into it and part of it wraps around me. It’s not uncomfortable, more like a weighted blanket that covers over my chest. An instant later I’m pressed into the chair. It feels as if every part of me is being crushed as the ship accelerates.
I can’t see outside but I sure as heck feel it. My stomach is tossed side-to-side as he maneuvers away from what I assume is the same enemy that came to Earth looking for him.
For me.
Me. That’s a sobering thought. The enemy alien, the dark or whatever they are, had come for me. To hurt him.
I should be afraid, but instead of fear I’m angry. Really, really angry. Furious is a better word. It burns white hot in the center of my brain that someone, anyone, would use me to threaten or hurt him. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.
Something explodes in the ship behind us and Jax curses again. A heartbeat later and it feels like we’re flipping. A screen rises from the back of the console and on it are little red dots and what looks like the sights of a scope.
We continue to rock side-to-side, jerking up and down, and all around but Jax has his focus on that screen. The sights line up with one of the red dots and he slams his hand down on the console. An instant later the red dot explodes on the screen.
“Got it,” he growls.
Something on the screen flashes then we’re rocked. Hard. I yelp, unintentional but it’s terrifying as sparks fly behind my chair. Jax curses and then the ship is spinning. I don’t know if it’s planned by him or something is wrong. The only thing I’m sure of is that I’m having one devil of a time keeping my stomach and it’s contents inside my body.
I close my eyes and tighten my grip on the arms of the chair. Eyes and jaw clenched tight I try to keep myself from getting sick. The motion is more than and worse than any roller coasterI’ve ever ridden. Remotely I’m also aware that this is more dangerous than anything I’ve ever done.
This is war. My first taste of it.
“Hah!” Jax exclaims as it feels like we’re flipping head over heels.