I sneak a peek out of my closed eyes. The second red dot on the screen explodes.

The ship levels off and the chair slowly retreats, letting me free again. I lay there, waiting for my stomach and head to settle. I’m breathing heavily and my heart is matching the timing of that.

“Are you okay?” Jax asks. His voice is close and then his hands are on my face, cupping it. “You’re pale Ads.”

“I’ll be—” I cut off as my stomach tries to interrupt with it’s own statement of being very much not okay and I barely manage to keep the bile raging up my throat down.

“One moment,” he says and I feel him move away. I’m struggling too much to open my eyes and look but I hear him moving around the ship. Something opens and closes then he’s back. “Take this.”

Something touches my lips and, trusting him, I part them and a cold liquid enters my mouth. My stomach locks for a moment, refusing to let anything down, but I breathe through my nose and finally it lets the liquid pass.

The cold hits my belly and spreads out through my guts. It’s soothing and makes me feel relaxed at the same time. I dare to open my eyes and the dizziness eases. Jax is right there, close enough to kiss. He’s smiling.

“I love you,” I blurt out.

Probably not the most appropriate thing for the moment but it’s what comes out. I’m feeling so much love for him that I swear my chest is going to burst open and let my heart fly free. What was that old Meatloaf song? Oh yeah,Bat Out of Hell.It’s like that.

His smile is wide and brilliant and shows off his fangs. My eyes are drawn to them and for some reason I don’t know that I’ll ever truly understand I become so incredibly aroused. My motor is running hot.

“I love you,” he says, staring into my eyes. “With all my heart.”

“Are we safe?” I ask.

“For now.”

“Is there a bed?”

He gives me a sly grin and nods.



He takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. We never break contact as he leads the way down a hall. We come to a ladder and he steps to one side motioning that I should climb it. I hesitate, suddenly self-conscious, but I push that aside. It’s ridiculous. It’s not like he doesn’t see me, clothes don’t really hide who I am or my size.

Decision made I put my foot on the rung and climb. I am very much aware of his stare on my ass and instead of feeling embarrassed it fuels the burning desire in my core. I even put a little sway in it for his appreciation and am rewarded with a sharp hiss of him intaking air.

A smile spreads over my face and I climb the rest of the way up emerging into a fancy room. The walls are an almost crimson red. On one wall there is a fancy tapestry looking thing that depicts a beautiful looking galaxy with a dozen planets.

The center of the room is dominated by a large bed that is surrounded by gauzy gray curtains. Fluffy pillows decorate the bed itself resting on a darker gray comforter. Jax comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my middle.

“That is my home galaxy,” he says turning us so we’re looking at the tapestry. He moves us closer until he can reach out and touch a verdant green-blue planet. “This is Alva.”

“It looks beautiful,” I say.

“It is,” he says, his voice wistful. “Or it was.”

“The war?”

“Yes,” he agrees.

“Who is it your at war with?”

“It’s an intergalactic war. The Krixians are behind most of it,” he says growling the name. “They hired the assasin race, the Darkness.”

“But why?”

“Krixians are mad for power,” he says. “They are at war with everyone. The reasons why do not make sense to anyone.”