“I can’t help it,” he replied softly, dragging in another deep breath. He arched a brow but otherwise said nothing as he sorted through their scents. Briggs nearly sagged when he didn’t decipher any scents that spoke of sex.
“Find what you’re looking for?” she practically snarled as she stormed by him toward the bedroom.
“No.” He twisted, unwilling to let her from his sight quite yet.
Nyx opened the bedroom door and stepped inside, Brine hot on her heels. She held up a hand and the wolf trembled.
“Get out of my way,” he hissed, his claws lengthening.
Briggs took a step toward his friend, feeling his own claws extend. No one threatened her like that.
“I’m not scared of you,” Nyx spat back, one hand on a hip, the other on the door. “Scarlet, you want your bastard of a mate in here yet?”
“No,” Scarlet moaned. “I just need a nap and he won’t leave me alone.”
Nyx arched a brow. “You heard it from the lady. Kindly piss off until she wants you.” With that, she slammed the door in Brine’s face.
Pride and humor bubbled in Briggs’ chest. That was his girl. No one cowed Nyx. It was part of the reason he loved her.
Brine slowly turned around; his expression black. He scowled at Briggs. “What the devil are you smiling about? My wife just banned me from the birth of my child,” he practically yelled.
“Not true,” Scarlet bellowed, her voice muffled from the bedroom. “I want to bloody nap. Have a drink with your friends or brawl for all I care. Love you!”
The wolf huffed. “Bloody woman.”
“She’s in good hands, my friend. Why don’t we get something to eat at Ari’s pub and then come back?”
“Nyx will takegood care of Scarlet,” Marche piped in, making Briggs want to punch him in the face.
Brine ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I suppose there’s nothing for it. I want my mate to get rest.” He trudged through the open door and Briggs followed his friend, Marche not far behind. He barely restrained himself from baring his fangs at the hare as Marche skipped on by. Briggs closed the door and flexed his hands, willing his claws to retract. He was acting like a territorial fool. Nyx would never speak to him if he couldn’t get himself under control.
Sucking in a deep breath, he stole a glance at the front door of Brine and Scarlet’s home. Soon he’d be able to make things right. Until then, he’d help Brine and pray that he didn’t accidentally eat the hare in jealousy.
Chapter Five
Three YearsAgo
“Why are you stubborn?”Nyx asked, trying not to yell.
“I don’t want the serum. Why is that so hard for you to understand?” Briggs replied, studying his cards and avoiding eye contact.
Nyx turned her attention to her brother and glared at him before tilting her head toward their friend.
Pyre sighed and placed a ten of spades down. “You might as well give in to my dear sister. You know how relentless she can be.”
Briggs took a sip from his ale, his dark eyes flickering between the two siblings before he set his cup down. “I don’t like the idea of it.”
That was the final straw.
Nyx slammed her cards facedown on the table and threw her arms up in the air. “You’re ahealer, Briggs. You know as well as I that draughts and medicine are good things. In fact, you even gotMrs. Woreland to take something for her mood swings last week. Don’t be a hypocrite.”
That got underneath his skin. She could see it from the way his jaw set. Briggs never yelled, or spoke venomously to a single soul, but he felt frustration and anger like the rest of them.
“If you would just give this a try…”
His dark eyes snapped to her face. “I saidno.”