Briggs stifled his smile. Brine’s mate had banished him from their room no more than twenty minutes prior and the wolf was about to lose his ever-loving mind. “Scarlet is fine, Brine.”
His friend growled and spun around, crossing his arms. “She is not fine. I can smell her stress from here.”
“Because you’re stressing her out. Your pup will come when it’s ready. Some time with Ari and a nap will do her good. This is just the beginning. It will be some time before the hard labor begins.”
“And this is why I asked you to come,” Brine muttered. “Because Nyx never tells me anything. She just tells me to stop worrying and to get out of her way.”
That sounded like Nyx. She was a force to be reckoned with.
And you hurt her.
He grimaced and ran a hand over his face. Nyx was his best friend. There wasn’t anything they couldn’t weather together. At least he hoped. The door creaked as it swung open, and Briggs found himself on his feet waiting to catch sight of the woman he’d secretly loved for years but could never have.
Until now.
A smile bloomed on his face as Marche held open the door and Nyx stepped inside. The sight and scent of her nearly dropped Briggs to his knees. He took one step in her direction. Blackcurrant, burnt sugar, vanilla, and… sage mixed with Marche’s male musk. He froze, eyes snagging on how the hare held Nyx’s hand, their fingers laced together like they belonged that way.
A growl rumbled in his chest that he couldn’t contain.
Nyx stumbled to a stop, her smile dropping as she spotted him. There was a flash of emotion in her eyes before she buried it beneath a placid expression he knew well. The one she used when she didn’t want anyone to see the pain that bubbled just beneath the surface.
She squeezed Marche’s fingers and released his hand.
Another growl escaped him as Briggs got another whiff of Marche’s and Nyx’s blended scent. They reeked of each other. His stomach curled in on itself as his mate dismissed him and focused instead on Brine.
“How’s Scarlet?” she asked briskly.
“Stressed. Where have you been?”
Her eyes narrowed at Brine’s sharp tone. “I’ll let you off the hook this time because you’re worried about your mate, but don’t think to snipe at me again.” She chucked her chin toward Briggs but didn’t meet his eye. “It seems you already have a healer here to help.” The last part was an accusation.
“I sent for him two weeks ago,” Brine grumbled. “These last few months of Scarlet’s pregnancy haven’t been easy on her. I thought you could use the help.”
Briggs grimaced. That was the wrong bloody thing to say.
Nyx gritted her teeth. “If I needed the help, I would have sent for another healer.”
Not Briggs. Another healer. Her message was obvious. She didn’t want him here.
Well too bad. They were going to talk.
She peered over her shoulder at Marche. “Did you know?”
The hare shook his head. “I didn’t not, princess.”
Briggs bristled at the nickname and the way Marche shared a knowing look with Nyx. Had she moved on so fast? Briggs swallowed hard as blackcurrant and burnt sugar mingled on his palate.
Nyx spun around and pressed a kiss to Marche’s cheek. “Thanks for today.”
Briggs grounded his molars together and tried not to lunge for the other male.
The hare smiled at Briggs’ mate and pushed a strand of her dark brown behind one ear. “My pleasure. Same time tomorrow?”
It was one light word, but it felt like the rug had been pulled from beneath Briggs. Just what had she agreed to? He needed the truth of the matter now before he lost his mind and tore about the whole bloody room in a mating rage. He inhaled deeply.
“Stop that,” she barked, locking eyes with Briggs.