“Damn you. Open them for me,please.” His voice broke.

Ilie’s chest exploded in painful relief as he saw Soleil’s eyes flutter open. The permanent wound over his heart blazed, his brothers in blood asking him what was wrong.

In the distance, the clock chimed.

Three minutes until midnight.

“Damn you,” he raged down at her. “Be my heartkeeper now.”

She smiled, and the sight broke his heart because it was like she was saying goodbye to him.

And now he remembered what Fleur kept telling him—-

Almost like God sending a damn message—-

A hopeless romantic.

Soleil was a foolishly hopeless romantic.

He whispered rawly, “You bloody fool.”

“Your w-words, m-milord.” She laughed then choked, and coldness wrapped around his heart when he saw that she had choked out blood without knowing it.

“Who the fuck cares?” he hissed. “Because it’s goddamn true. You’re a bloody fool, and you’re bloody selfish, to curse me like you’re cursed—-”


More blood.

“Yes,” he snarled. “You’ve cursed me.”

She was crying inside of her, but she was unable to make a sound because it was already as if the monster inside of her had taken control.

“I d-didn’t—-”

A tear slipped from the corner of Soleil’s eye, together with a drop of blood.

“Stop it,” Fleur screamed. “Stop making her—-”

The clock chimed.

Two minutes.

“If you go, then you’re cursing me to an eternity without happiness and love,” Ilie said harshly. “I’m half-demon, Soleil. Do you fucking know what that means? I’m a half-demon, and so the words that you want to hear will not come easy—-”

Tears and blood continued to mingle.

God.He could feel her life seeping out of her, and outside, the wolves in the kingdom went berserk at the pain Ilie was feeling.

I think...I could have made you say the words...if I had more time.

The words seemed to take everything from her, and Soleil’s eyes drifted closed.



He shouted in his mind,Listen to me, goddamn you. You don’t need more time because you already have it.