And it was true.
Now, he knew it was true.
I would never admit it if this didn’t happen—-
And maybe that was why you had to be cursed—-
Why God, who fucking knows everything—-
He knew it was the only way I would know.
Ilie drew her up.
The clock chimed.
One minute.
He pulled her tightly to him. She felt lifeless, but he refused to believe she would leave him.Be my heartkeeper, ma lisse.
Take my heart.
Share your soul.
Spend eternity with me.
He rocked her in his arms, and he, too, bled tears of blood.
I love you, Soleil.
Be my heartkeeper.
Seconds away from midnight—-
The monster’s jaws snapped open.
Soleil choked out,Yes. I will be your heartkeeper.
The clock struck twelve.
And pain engulfed both of them.
Chapter Nine
Do you know you are causing a commotion in the entire world?But Adrijan sounded more amused than anything.
Commotion is a vast understatement,Mihail commented mildly. Scientists all over the globe are going crazy, trying to figure out the reason behind the howling phenomenon.
Is that what they have been calling it?Silviu chuckled.A howling phenomenon? And just because le Marquis di Lunare has deigned to fall in love—-
Fuck off.But even he was hard pressed to hold on to his anger as the demon duke and the rest of the Galere laughed. Even with his body still blazing with pain, struggling as it was to accept his heartkeeper’s soul, Ilie welcomed every damn bit of his discomfort.
After all, this pain was proof that Soleil was his.
More importantly, it was proof that she was alive.
Sensing the sober change in the marquis’ mood, Silviu asked,Are there any complications with the process?Little was known about heartkeeping, with most of the information either deliberately destroyed in previous wars or guarded zealously in the libraries of Sulphur.
Only that it hurts like the bloody hell.