I write with gratitude for your willing and voluntary consent to becoming my heartkeeper. And if there comes a time you find yourself troubled by any matter concerning our union, you only have to ask.


A vampire from the kingdom of Chalys

Dear Sir,

I cannot think of any questions I wish to ask at this moment. But as I have only recently begun my lessons under Sir Isaac, perhaps this is due to change eventually. I beg in advance for your permission to continue speaking my mind freely if this so happens.



Dear Rhapsody,

You may ask whatever and whenever you wish, and be assured that my position on this matter shall never change.

Waiting avidly for your reply,

A vampire from the kingdom of Chalys

P.S. May I hope you return my sentiments on this matter?

Dear Sir,

It would be my pleasure to answer any question you have, even though it behooves me to think of anything about myself that someone like you would find interesting.

Your confused heartkeeper,


Dear Rhapsody,

On the contrary, there is no one in this world that I find as interesting as you, and before you dismiss these words as empty flattery, do be reminded that heartkeeping bids me to only speak the truth where you are concerned.

That being said, let us turn our attention to one matter I confess to puzzling over for quite some time. How is it that your manner of speech is considerably more formal for one of your age?


A vampire from the kingdom of Chalys

Dear Sir,

There is no great mystery behind my rather formal manner of speaking (or writing, as it were in this case).

Due to the nature of Bethany's employment, I was frequently subjected to bullying in the last school I attended. They believed I would follow in her footsteps, so to speak. I was disinclined to prove them right and sought to be the opposite of their expectations by volunteering at a nearby convent.

The first few weeks, I performed an assortment of routine household chores, helping the nuns in the kitchen and doing gardening. After a while, however, the Mother Superior asked if I would like to sit in for lessons with the novices. It is how I ended up learning Latin and, I must confess, sir - there was a time I seriously considered joining the order.



Dear Rhapsody,

And so it must bear repeating: you are, indeed, the most interesting creature I have the pleasure of meeting. The possibility of my heartkeeper being someone else's bride had naturally crossed my mind, but never did it occur to me that my rival would be none other than Jesus Christ himself.
