A gentlemanly invitation, but oh, those green eyes of his said differently, with the way his gaze was actuallysmirkingat her!

What a wicked, wicked,wickedMaster, and oh, how her knees trembled as she slowly forced herself to her feet.

Chapter Ten

It began with an ache in his groin and a tightening of muscles. From there, it moved to his cock, heat and lust feeding the greedy, throbbing beast between his legs until it made a rigidly enormous impression against his pants. And all of this unfolded almost at the same amount of time it took his pet to cross the room and reach his side.

By the time she reached him, he was flagrantly aroused, and everyone, including Rhapsody herself, was staring at his crotch.


She looked up right away, her expression turning serious and bookish. She was clearly expecting him to speak to her as a professor would to his student, and it gave him wicked pleasure to prove her wrong. Bending down, he whispered straight to her ear so that his words would only be hers—-

"My cock says hello."

He pulled back and was satisfied to see that she now looked more like a proper pet rather than a bluestocking, with her wide-eyed expression and sweetly blushing cheeks. He was about to turn back to the class when he heard her voice.


He glanced at her over his shoulder.

"Would you pass the message," his pet asked seriously, "and let it know I am saying hello back?"

And so it was for this reason that the marquis' broad shoulders appeared to be shaking when he finally returned his attention to the other students.

"I'd like to begin our demonstration with a question," Rhapsody heard the marquis address the other girls. "I want to know in particular what you believe is a pet's most important quality."

"Submission," answered one.

"Sex," giggled out another.

Mihail turned to his pet. "And you, milady?"


The marquis ran his knuckles down her cheek. "That is indeed correct, my smart girl."

A rakehell of the first order, she thought decidedly. Most times, her Master was the model of chivalry and the personification of authority and gravitas, but now he was simply roguish, and truth be told, she found this side of his rather fascinating. She would love to see more of it, never mind if this meant having the other girls constantly throwing dirty looks at her direction. They always did anyway.

The marquis stepped back from Rhapsody and leaned against the edge of the desk, unaware that his pose at that moment had turned him into a dreamy portrait of whimsical infatuation and forbidden desires.

"Devotioniswhat every Master seeks the most from his pet, but this isn't to say that the previous answers were not correct. They were desirable traits, but neither trait was sufficient in painting the larger picture. Devotion, on the other hand...everything elsefalls under it. A pet would wish to be submissive because of devotion. She would wish to improve her skills in the bedroom because of devotion. And so if I ask you, ladies, who then defines what constitues devotion..."

This time, the whole class was able to answer correctly as they answered in chorus.The Master, milord.

"Exactly." The marquis turned to his pet. "And so to illustrate..." He crooked a finger, and Rhapsody came to him gracefully and willingly. "I need you to think of me as your Master, milady. Are you willing to play along?"

"Yes, Master."

His cock swelled. It was the perfect answer right away, and if the other girls' grudging expressions were anything to go by, they, too, were aware of this.

"Good girl." The sexual purr in the marquis' voice was impossible to ignore, and it had everyone squirming in their seats.

"If I were to press a finger against your mouth..."

The marquis' index finger traced the shapely lines of his pet's lips.

"And make you suck on it..."