Glittering green eyes met Rhapsody's in seductive challenge.
"Would you do it?"
She didn't even think twice and simply opened her mouth to let his finger in.
Their eyes locked.
And then she slowly began to suck on his long, brown finger like it was his cock.
"Very good..."
The marquis' voice was now noticeably thick with arousal, and it had all the girls catching their breaths.
Rhapsody was far from unaffected either, with all her womanly parts aching as she worked her mouth around her Master's finger. Another finger slipped in and then a third one, and feminine witness rushed out of her. With three fingers inside her mouth, it almostdidfeel like she had his oversized manhood between her lips.
"How does it feel, milady? Do you like sucking on my finger?"
She nodded without taking his fingers out of her mouth, and teeth-grinding jealousy consumed the other girls at the tenderness underscoring the marquis' voice.
"Is it making you wet?"
She almost cried out and could barely nod in response.Wetwas a gross understatement now, with her drawers already soaking heavily between her legs.
"And now, it's my turn."
The marquis moved forward, which then caused her to retreat until she was pressed against the chalkboard while her Master, with his fingers still in her mouth, had his back to the class. With his powerful outline completely hiding Rhapsody from everyone's views, the rest of the girls could only listen and imagine...
The marquis' hand suddenly delved deep between her legs, his fingers grasping her mound, and the heat of his touch burning past layers of muslin and cotton. Her Master started grinding the heel of his palm against her crotch while his thumb furiously rubbed against her clit. Bolts of pleasure electrified her body, and Rhapsody found herself sucking harder on his fingers in an effort to control her cries.
She knew no one could see her, but she also knew that everyone would be able to see the movements of his arms, knew that they would understand what it meant, maybe even recognize the scent that was permeating the air around them...
It was like putting on a show for the other girls, a show where all of them would know and envy her for experiencing the marquis' touch, and the thought, as shameless as it was, had Rhapsody breaking apart in an instant.
A silent cry spilled out of her throat as she started cumming, and her body started shuddering under the relentless onslaught of pleasure that overtook her senses.
The marquis waited until his pet had stopped shaking so much before gently pulling his fingers out of her mouth. He wiped the moisture off with his handkerchief while watching the rapid rise and fall of his pet's bosom. He waited patiently, knowing that her reaction to all this, once the haze of passion had faded, would be quite priceless.
And it was.
As soon as her heartbeat had slowed down, and she was able to catch her breath, she looked up with calm but lustrous dark eyes,and her voice, when she spoke, was as wonderfully solemn as ever.
"Thank you for keeping your word, milord."
The impassive mask that the marquis wore threatened to crack. He had given his pet an orgasm in front of her entire class, and she was thanking him like all she received was a bouquet of flowers.
Priceless,Mihail thought, and the marquis was unable to resist dropping a kiss on his pet's nose and tell her exactly that.
"Don't ever change, Rhapsody."
And as he turned around to face the class, he missed the way Rhapsody's own mask started to crack.
Chapter Eleven
"Deep breaths, yes, that's it, you're doing good," Rhapsody's therapist said encouragingly two hours later.
"I'm not doing good." She was seated on her therapist's Chesterfield sofa, and the memory of her Master calling her by name still had her hyperventilating. How could that be classified as doing good?