A Master who wonders if he still has a pet to call his own
Dear Master,
I shall not lie. I am still unhappy at being forced out of the island to board in this school.
However, it also is not right that my deliberate neglect in writing you letters has made you miss me. I do apologize for that, and I shall make up for this inexcusable wrongdoing by writing to you every day.
Pray let me know if this is sufficient. I may also write to you twice a day or even thrice a day if you so will.
A pet who is once again devoted to her Master
Dear Rhapsody,
You are truly a pet beyond compare, and while your offer to write to me daily moves me so, I would be a selfish Master if I were to take so much of your time. All I desire is that you do not subject me to the same torment; although Sir Isaac does not neglect to keep me apprised of your activities, it is quite different when it is milady herself who sends me letters.
A Master who is yours to command
Dear Master,
I apologize for disrupting our regular schedule for correspondence. I thought you should know that I have recently been accused of murder.
Your pet
While I have always found the brevity of your letters charming in its own way, it is entirely and woefully insufficient to simply write - and I quote -I thought you should know that I have recently been accused of murder.
Pray speak more on this matter or your Master shall assume the worst.
An extremely troubled vampire
Dear Master,
Consider me duly chastened, and I give you my word not to make the same mistake again. The details are as follows:
A man has been found in the forest just outside the walls of our school. The victim had one side of his neck ripped apart, with visible markings of what appeared to be human bites.
Your pet
Dear Rhapsody,
Just when I think there is nothing you can do to surprise your Master, you prove me wonderfully wrong.
When I say that I wish for more details, it is not of the murder which I speak of. I wish to know howyou,my heartkeeper, are faring.