A remorseful future Master
Dear Sir,
You do not owe me an explanation. I trust you.
A girl who already thinks of you as her Master
P.S. Would you prefer I close my future letters as your pet?
Dear Rhapsody,
Indeed, I should have known you expected neither an apology nor an explanation.
A vampire who remains impressed with your brevity
P.S. 'Your pet' does rather have a nice ring to it. Do proceed with signing your letters as such if it pleases you.
Dear Master,
Is it true that you are planning to send me to a training school for pets?
An unconvinced pet
Dear Rhapsody,
You are correct.
A Master who always has your best interests at heart
Dear Master,
I am not happy about this, but I trust in your judgment.
A resigned pet
Dear Rhapsody,
By the time you are reading this letter, I expect you and Sir Isaac are already en route to your school and future home for the next few years.
I own a property not far from La Scala Legaturia, and your guardian shall move there for the duration of your schooling. Hopefully, the knowledge that Sir Isaac is within driving distance shall help put your mind at ease about this new chapter in your life.
Yours to command,
A Master who hopes for his pet's understanding
Dear Rhapsody,
I hope milady receives this letter in good health. It has been a while since you last wrote. Pray spare your Master a moment of your time and let him know how you fare.