I'm shocked once again, not only because I just made a deal with the devil but because he didn't press for more. I never agreed that I would have sex with him, and he didn't even seem to care.
With that, he turns on his heels and continues walking beside me. Or at least he would be if I could get my legs to move. It takes me a couple of seconds to shake the lust-fueled fog out of my brain.
"So where have you checked?" Lash starts in, and I rattle off the places that I'd normally find Max and Lia. I tell him about the fact that they didn't show up on their block in front of the strip club. That's a no-no to start with. I tell him about the fact that no one saw them after they left the clubhouse. I also mention the missing women that have been forgotten by the system. By the time I finish telling him everything, it's clear that he's no longer in a playful mood. He's all about his business, as am I.
"Do you have a picture of these girls?" Lash asks, and I dig into my bag to pull out my phone so I can show him their photo.
It doesn't take me very long to find the photo. I took one the other night of the group in front of the strip club. It was a good night. All of us were just coming back from a Thanksgiving celebration, and some of the girls had turkey hats on their heads. Of course, Max and Lia didn't; they're too cool for that.
Just looking at the picture makes me smile. I pray with all I have that nothing bad has happened to them.
With a sigh, I turn my phone around so I can show Lash who it is I'm looking for. I watch in horror as his face turns from pensive to absolutely murderous. Something more is going on.
"Well, it seems like I'm going to win that bet. I hope you've got your Mrs. Claus outfit ready, Red." He grumbles in my direction. Even though I'm sure he meant it to be light-hearted, it doesn't come across that way at all.
"You know where they are? Tell me." I grab hold of his arm, but he deftly moves his hand so I have to let go.
"They left the party last night with two other people. They're with the Hands of Hell MC."
It doesn't take much to convince Sienna to go home and wait for me. She wanted to stay out looking for the girls, but once I told her there was no way she'd find them, she agreed that it was time for her to call it a night.
I know that I shouldn't be getting involved with this mess, but the fact that those bastards came into my clubhouse and abducted two girls—when the implications could point to us—had me hot under the collar. I only hope that Leo sees it the same way I do. He could order us to stand down and not look into this anymore. He was the one who told us to look for any dirt on the Hands of Hell that could come back to us since they wanted to collaborate on a deal with us. Kidnapping women could most definitely make us look bad.
The ride back to the clubhouse passes by in a blur. I'm usually completely present when I'm on my bike, but now all I can think about is the way Sienna practically begged me to do everything I could to find those two girls. She begged me to care about her issues, and as much as I don't want to, I feel like I don't have a choice. Something about her makes me want to take care of her. Makes me want her never to have to cry again.
I park my bike in the lot in front of my house. This time, it's Feather at the door. He quickly opens the door when he sees me coming in. The main area is bustling with energy as all the club members, a few hangarounds, and the prospect are just going about their night. Even when there's no party happening in here, there's still plenty to do. I'm not interested in taking my mind off anything tonight. In fact, I want to focus on what we can do to get those girls home. And that means going up against the Hands of Hell to accuse them of doing some shady shit.
Leo and Nisa are in the corner sitting together on a loveseat. She's draped over his lap, showing him some pictures in a lingerie magazine. Every few pages, Leo leans over and says something to Nisa that has her laughing and blushing like a madwoman. I hate to break up the cuteness, but I have business to attend to.
"Leo, I need to have a word." I walk over to him and cross my arms over my chest.
"You blind? Did you not see that I'm sitting here with my woman?" He flips his hand in my direction, effectively dismissing me, but I'm not going to be dismissed right now.
"Nah man, I need a word... now." I say again, this time a little louder. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Nisa or my president, but we need to handle this right away.
Leo looks up at me; anger masks his face as he taps Nisa's legs so she can move and he can get up.
I don't wait for him to ask me any more questions. Instead, I turn on my heel and head straight for the church. The instant I do, the rest of the ranked members follow behind me.
"What the hell do you want that you had to pull me away from my woman?" Leo asks as he gets into the church and goes directly to his seat.
I'm angry. Not only at those Hands of Hell pricks but also at myself. I was looking straight at them. I allowed them to stay there and interact with the women who came to our place to have a good time. I shouldn't have sent them on their way, but I didn't.
Taking a deep breath, I make sure I do my best to keep the bulk of my anger tapered down. I don't want him or anyone else in the room to think my emotions are getting the best of me or, better yet, that some woman is playing me for a fool. If it wasn't for Sienna, I would have never thought to look for those two women.
"I think we might have a problem with the Hands of Hell," I say, and instantly everyone in the room is up in arms. This isn't the news that we need right now. Not when we are about to enter into a deal with them.
As it stands, the peace between Chrome Creed and the Hands of Hell is tentative at best. If we renege on a deal, it could turn into an all-out war, but I don't think even Leo would stand for those bastards coming in here and abducting people that we paid to entertain us. That's just not how we roll.
"Shut the fuck up!" Leo barks, and everyone gets quiet. "Explain yourself," Leo speaks to me.
"I went to check up on that woman who was here earlier. What she said really stuck with me, and I wanted to know more about what she was talking about."
"So what? She's already claimed by the Hands of Hell, and you overstepped?" Spike asks, and I glare at him. How the hell could he ever think someone like Sienna would be connected with anyone from the Hands of Hell? Of course, I don't know her that well either.