"You’re out here looking for those girls? Really?"
"Of course I am. They depend on me. I’m the only one who looks out for them."
"Oh, so you’re their pimp?" Lash questions, and the anger I felt before flares again. I snap my head in his direction, but he lifts his hands as if he’s going to block me from hitting him again. "Okay, not a pimp."
"No, I’m not their pimp. God, why can’t you be normal?" I scoff.
"Normal? In case you haven’t realized, you’re looking for two women we paid to show us a good time. Women who were either strippers or work the streets. This is normal, what I’m asking." Lash continues, and I know what he’s saying is true.
The only people who would normally look for two girls like Max and Lia are pimps or other strippers. That’s one of the main reasons the police haven’t done much about the disappearing women. They think they’re just off doing their night jobs. No matter how much fuss I throw at the station, no one believes me that something more sinister is happening.
"Yeah, well, not for me," I speak up. My eyes drift back to his chest, and I’m grateful the cut I gave him isn’t very deep. Still, I can see the blood on his shirt. "Don’t you think you should go home and get that looked at? It needs to be cleaned and bandaged."
He wipes a hand down the front of his chest. "Believe me, girl, I’ve had a lot worse. This will be fine."
"You’re not mad at me?" I ask, glancing at him through my peripheral vision.
"No. I knew you had bite to you when I walked up on you, and you did tell me to leave you alone several times. It’s my own fault for not taking your warning."
"Why didn’t you?" I question.
"What do you mean?"
"Why didn’t you take my warning? What are you doing here anyway?"
The cocky smirk he was just wearing drops, and he shoves his hands in his pockets. "I wish I could tell you. All I know is after you said all that shit earlier at the clubhouse, I felt like an absolute asshole. I guess I’m here to help you find your friends." He shrugs, and I nearly chuckle.
"Fine, but you’re not going to have much luck."
"I bet you I will," he says louder, as if he’s proud of himself.
"I bet you won’t," I counter.
"Fine, let’s put your money where your mouth is, then." Lash sidesteps in front of me, stopping me from continuing.
I know I shouldn't be worried about what he's talking about, but something about the spark of joy in his eyes intrigues me.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Well, if I lose and I don't help you find those two girls, I'll set up a small fund out of my own money for you to do whatever it is you do for these women. I can tell that it means a lot to you, and I'll just see it as my good karma."
I'm shocked by his offer. Not only that, I'm shocked by the fact that he cares that it means so much to me. I've had short-term relationships with people who could never understand why helping these women was so important to me, and just after one and a half meetings with Lash, he can tell that I'm dedicated to this cause.
"That's too hard to resist."
"No, it's not done yet. What are you willing to give me if I do help you find them?" Lash raises an eyebrow, almost as if he expects me to welch on the bet before it even starts. I've never been one to shy away from a challenge.
Slowly, I walk toward him. I sway my hips in wide circles, and instantly the smile on his face drops as he sees me coming closer. I know this is a dangerous game we're playing, but I think I'm due a little fun—especially if it's at his expense.
"If you win..." I whisper as I slowly place my hand on his chest, followed by my other. I push my fingers upwards, caressing his body through his clothes, and he moans slightly at the feel of me. "I'll dress up in the shortest Mrs. Claus suit I can find and..." I lean up closer so my mouth is just a breath away from his. I know what he wants, but there's no way I'm bartering my body like that. I don't care what the cause is.
"...and I'll give you a private dance that will have your toes curling and will fuel your wet dreams for the rest of your life."
He lets out a harsh gasp but doesn't instantly turn down my offer. It's not what he wants, but I hope it's enough. I can be a little flirty if I want to.
"You play hardball all the time, don't you?" he whispers, and I shrug one shoulder before giving him a wink and trying to settle back down on my feet. It takes me a moment to realize that I can't; his hand is pressed against the small of my back. I don't even know when he reached around to grab me. It all feels so right in his arms. I can't stand him and everything he stands for—at least the parts that I know about—but when we're close like this, I just want to rip his clothes off and ride him until I don't know what day it is.
"Deal, Red." He picks up my hand and kisses the pads of my fingers before he places them over his heart in a strange pact-like motion.