"Who the hell is 'they'?" I ask, already getting frustrated by the way Sienna is talking to me.

"Don't play stupid with me now. Lia and Max. Where are they?" Sienna tries once again to get around Zero, but he's taking his job seriously, and both of them are out of breath.

"Zero, back off," I bark at him, and I watch his shoulders slump in relief as he takes a step back and allows Sienna to get close to me.

"I don't know who the fuck Lia and Max are, but they're not here." I look down at the spitting mad woman. For some reason, her red hair only makes her look more gorgeous now that she's staring up at me with murder in her eyes.

"I want to see that for myself," she glares at me.

"We don't let people in our clubhouse uninvited," I reply, not backing down even an inch. She may be angry, but she's not going to intimidate me.

"Then invite me in. Do what you have to do, but one way or another, I'm getting in there to check for my friends. I don't want to have to call the cops on you." She squints her eyes, and I know she's telling the truth. She'll call the authorities. Though it'll give us enough time to hide whatever we need to, we still don't like the Jakes poking their noses around in our business.

"Don't threaten me. Haven't you ever heard the saying, 'You get more with honey than shit'?" I cross my arms over my chest, and her eyes drop down. I watch one of her eyebrows hitch up just barely. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she had a thing for me—a thing she was trying so hard to deny.

"I don't want to have to threaten you, but all I know is the two of them were here last night. I saw them, and now today they are missing. No one knows where they went. Girls have been coming up missing for months, and no one does anything about it. If they are here getting high or getting fucked, I don't care; I just want to know they are alright." Sienna explains as she looks back up to my face. This time the bite in her words is softer. She's not really here to start trouble; instead, she's just here because she's concerned.

I look over my shoulder at Spike. Usually, I'd need authority from Leo to let a stranger inside, but I'm hoping he can see that we need to take care of this now and not have her call the cops to come looking for these missing girls.

Spike nods his head, letting me know he's on the same page as I am.

"Fine, you can walk through with me. But you stay at my side at all times. You understand?" I grab hold of her arm just above the elbow and walk her to the door.

"I can move on my own, you know." She snaps at me, but I don't let her go. The last thing I need right now is for her to run off and get somewhere unsupervised.

"What part of 'at my side' didn't you understand? You're going to move where I move. I'm not hearing shit else about it." I growl at her and wait for her quick-witted response, but I don't get one. Instead, she sighs and just does as I tell her.

"What the fuck is this? Are we just letting people in here without my say-so now?" Leo starts coming closer to me, and I'm ready to defend my decision, but Spike steps in to handle it for me. As the VP, Spike's word holds more weight than mine. I don't hear anything they are saying, but I notice Leo isn't coming for me anymore.

I take Sienna into the main open rooms first so she can look around, and then I start knocking on doors to our personal spaces. I'm surprised by how junky some of the spaces are, but I don't comment on it. I'm not showing her around to impress her; I'm showing her around so she can get this stupid idea out of her head that we'd have anything to do with two missing girls. The only women at our place are women who want to be here.

"Fuck no," Leo snarls as I get close to his door.

"What's wrong?" Nisa asks, moving forward.

"She thinks we're hiding two missing women in here. I'm just showing her that she's wrong."

Nisa nods her head and walks in front of me.

"Nisa!" Leo calls her back, but she only looks over her shoulder at him.

"There's no reason not to show her. If she's looking for her people, why not set her mind at ease?" Nisa walks over to her bedroom door and opens it for Sienna to look around.

"You don't know me or us, but I promise you we're not that kind of people," Nisa says to Sienna.

"I want to believe that; it's just that this was the last place, the only clue I have," Sienna explains, and I watch something unspoken pass between the two women.

Once that is done, I'm ready to escort Sienna back to the front door so she can leave.

"Wait. We didn't go in there." She points to the door that leads to church.

"Not gonna happen. No one is in there."

"If no one is in there, why won't you let me see?"

"Because it's off-limits," I snap at her and try once again to pull her to the door, but she digs her feet into the ground, stopping me.

"What the hell do you mean it's off-limits? Am I going to melt if I look inside? Are you hiding a magic rose like the Beast or some shit?" She furrows her eyebrows.