There's nothing I hate more than sitting my ass in front of a computer all day. Unfortunately, that's what it takes when it comes to doing research on other clubs. I could go out and do some in-person research, but I'm a patched member and notorious at that. If there was anything worth hiding, the Hands of Hell would get rid of it the minute they saw me coming. No, right now I need to be helping this way.

"Lash, I was thinking about doing a Secret Santa type of thing for the guys. What do you think?" Nisa asks as she places a beer down in front of me. As Leo's ol' lady, I have to show her the utmost respect, and that's the only reason I don't tell her to take that idea and shove it up her ass. Why the hell would I or any of us want to do some Secret Santa bullshit? This isn't some office building; this is a clubhouse full of bikers, miscreants, and in some cases, murderers.

"Yeah, I don't think that's such a good idea." I lean back in my chair and grimace in her direction.

"Really? Tella, Spike, and Rumble all seemed to love it." Nisa shrugs, and my jaw nearly drops to my chest. Pansy-ass traitors. All of them.

"So what are you asking me for if you already got an answer from them?" I narrow my eyes at her, knowing exactly where she's going with this and hating every second of it.

"Well, honestly, I was just coming over here to see if you want to participate. Everyone else is." She smiles wider at me, and that's when I know this isn't a request but more of her letting me know that it's going down.

"Fine. Sign me up."

"Such a grinch." She laughs before she walks away from me. I don't know who I'm going to get for Secret Santa, but I know what they're going to get: the one gift I don't have to put much thought into—a bottle of liquor. We all drink, and who doesn't want their own bottle? I instantly x out of the page that I was using to look up information about the Hands of Hell and log into the site for the liquor warehouse. I put in an order for a high-label cognac to be shipped to the clubhouse.

Ho, ho, ho. That was easier than I expected. If Nisa thinks I'm going to wrap this shit, she's got another thing coming. They all better be happy that I'm even contributing to begin with.

I navigate back to the webpage I was using before and do my best to focus on that. Of course, just as soon as things go quiet in the clubhouse, I hear the chaos starting up outside.

"What the fuck is that?" Spike pipes up from where he is standing near the kitchen.

"Fuck, I don't know. Zero, report." I call out.

Zero is the prospect that is supposed to be guarding the door, but right now he's not replying. Either he's dead or something is happening outside that is keeping him from answering me. It's the only excuse that he's going to be able to give if he wants to continue on his prospect run.

Both Spike and I walk toward the front door at the same time.

"Lash, hurry the fuck up and figure out what's going on out there. Who the hell is that?" Leo barks at us from where he just walked out of his quarters. Nisa hurries to be by his side just in case something major is going on. It wouldn't be the first time someone has tried to come in here and kill her. I pray no one is stupid enough to do it again.

I pick up the pace toward the door, both Spike and I getting there at the same time almost.

"I don't care what the protocol is; I want to go inside and check for myself." I hear a woman's voice shrieking outside.

"Ma'am, I can't allow that. If you give me a second, I can get one of the higher-ups out here to talk to you," I hear Zero say, trying to calm the situation down.

"Ow... stop hitting me....Miss, wait."

"Stop fucking 'miss-ing' me!"

No way. It can't be.

I've heard that angry tone before—most recently in my daydreams all day.

I push my way out of the clubhouse to see Zero playing defensive line with Sienna. She's trying to get around him to get back into the clubhouse. I almost laugh at the ridiculous sight, but I don't want her to think that it's okay for her to just show up like this and demand to get inside. We don't roll like that. Not here. Not when my family's safety could be at risk.

"Sorry, Lash. I tried to tell her..." Zero huffs out, talking to me while still trying to keep Sienna from getting around him. "I tried to tell her that she couldn't just walk in, but she's not trying to hear me."

"What the hell is this?" Spike steps forward, but I put a hand up, patting his chest to stop him.

"I've got her," I tell him, and he instantly backs off, allowing me to take the lead in this.

"I already gave you the options last night. Did you change your mind all of a sudden?" I tilt my head to the side, and she literally snarls at me.

"I'm not thinking about you or that little dick you've got swinging between your legs. I want to know what you did to those girls." She snaps at me, and instantly all joking is out of my mind.

"What the fuck are you accusing me of?"

"Oh, it doesn't have to be you; it could be any one of your assholes in here. I want to know where they are."