“I’m going to head home with Harper. I have an early morning of dog walking. Enjoy your hike, boys,” she said, giving her brother a hug.
As Ray turned to say goodbye to a few of my teammates who were also heading out, I subtly tugged Josie close to me and leaned in.
“It’s killing me not to kiss you good night, but I’m going to find a way to satisfy both of us before your brother leaves. Five days with you in my building and not having you is not an option.”
I felt her shudder against me, and my dick hardened. Blue balls tonight would be a bitch, but I wanted her as much on edge as I continually was with her around.
“Micah,” she murmured, biting down on her lower lip.
“Good night, Hurricane. Dream about all the things I can do to you because I sure as fuck will be.” Then I skated my hand down her spine and palmed her ass one last time.
“Ready to go?” Harper asked Josie.
“Um, yeah. Good night, everyone.” Josie’s voice was breathless.
It was going to be a long fucking night.
“Morning, Josie,” Harper said, eyeing me over her coffee cup the next morning. “How’d you sleep?”
“Fine,” I said. Waking up without Micah next to me, when I knew he was in the same building, just plain sucked. “Totally comfortable bed and all.”
“But you missed your man. I get it.”
I sighed. “I’m not trying to sound ungrateful or anything.”
She laughed softly. “Please. I know you aren’t.”
“I do appreciate you letting me stay here. And for leaving that set of earplugs on the nightstand. Nice touch,” I teased.
She grinned. “You’re welcome. Connor’s a screamer.”
“Seriously, Harps,” said screamer exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen, his cheeks red.
I tried to stifle my laughter. She loved torturing this man as much as I enjoyed doing the same to Micah.
Harper walked over to her boyfriend and planted a big kiss on his lips, probably to embarrass him a bit more. “She said she wouldn’t cramp our style, so I gave her earplugs just in case. We all know hockey players are full of adrenaline after a game, especially with a sweet win like last night’s.”
“Micah actually gets fired up in a completely different and amazing way after a loss, too.” I tamped down a shudder. “Shit. Don’t tell him I told you that.”
Harper burst out laughing.
“I didn’t need to know that,” Connor muttered, the tips of his ears pink.
Harper ran her fingers over his jaw. “You’re cute when you blush.”
Connor grabbed her hand. “And you’re pure trouble.” Then he leaned in and kissed the hell out of her.
Now, I really missed Micah. Lunch couldn’t come fast enough. I was meeting them after I got some work done, and I was both nervous and excited.
“What are you thinking about over there?” Harper asked.
“Nothing,” I said, noticing that Conner was heading for the door.
“Getting in a quick run on the track upstairs. And I promise I won’t say a word to any of the guys, but maybe don’t tell me anything else about my teammate, okay, Josie?” He grimaced slightly, and I laughed.
“Will do. And thanks again for letting me stay here.”