Page 95 of Melting the Ice

“And they kept winning. You know how superstitious these players are.” Josie shrugged. “And I don’t mind going if I’m not working. I love watching the games.”

She straightened her back and took a sip of the beer Simone had just put in front of her.

“Cool. I’d go to all the games I could if I was out here, too,” Ray said, and I swore we all breathed a sigh of relief.

Fucking hell.


“I hate knowing that you aren’t coming home with me tonight,” I murmured into Josie’s ear an hour later as Ray chatted with some of the guys. I knew I should keep my distance or at least stand a few feet away from her, but I couldn’t resist being close to her. I’d been inside of her earlier this afternoon, and I was not looking forward to missing that for the next few days.

But it wasn’t just sex. I just wanted her with me, driving me crazy and making me laugh. Fuck. I loved this woman.

“You’re going to get us caught,” she whispered. She kept her eyes off of me, but I didn’t miss her head tilt as she exposed her neck my way.

I’d give anything to lean in and taste her.

“There’s an office back there, right?”

“Micah,” she breathed out.

My hand skated over her hip.

“Just head back, and I’ll meet you.”

She turned into me. “You know we can’t do that.”

I groaned low. “I know. I’m just teasing you. You definitely haven’t worked here long enough for us to sneak back there, but dammit, Hurricane. I need you.”

Her lips parted, and it was like the entire bar disappeared.

“So, Ray, what are your plans tomorrow? It’s sweet that the guys have a two-day break while you’re here. Perfect timing.” Harper’s voice was overly loud, and Josie took a quick step back, her gaze darting toward her brother.

I didn’t miss the slight smirk on Harper’s lips, and once again, I was glad she was in our corner.

Ray turned his attention to me. “Got big plans for us tomorrow?”

“Maybe we’ll do a hike or something. Nothing crazy, but you brought your winter hiking boots, right?”

Ray groaned. “I’m not doing endless miles, man. A small hike and then beers. This is my vacation, after all. Josie, want to join us?”

“Um, I have to work tomorrow. Maybe you can hike in the morning, and I’ll meet you guys for lunch or something?”

“No strenuous hiking. You get injured, and Millsy will have your ass,” Tally reminded me.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll take it easy,” I said.

Ray chuckled. “Remind me to thank Millsy.”

“Come on. You like hiking.”

He quirked his brow. “Yeah. Hiking. Not running up a mountain.”


“We’re heading out. Josie, you coming or you riding back with your brother?” Harper asked.

Dammit. I wasn’t ready to say good night to Josie yet.