Page 55 of Melting the Ice

“What are you thinking about?” Harper asked. “You’re looking devious.”

“Nothing, and I am not.” I sighed. “I feel so scattered around him. We have a weird history, and I know I shouldn’t want him, but seriously, have you seen him?” I felt slightly guilty for playing it this way, but I needed someone to talk to, and Harper seemed cool.

She laughed. “Oh, I get it. Connor and I go way back, and even thinking about him that way made me nervous as hell, but I’m glad he made a move. I couldn’t be fucking happier if I tried.”

“Am I crazy to want that?” It was a true question and one I’d been asking myself for a while and never been able to answer.

“Not at all.”

“Hey, Josie, Harper,” Cora’s voice called out. I glanced up to see her and Anna walking toward us with their friend Joy, whom I’d met a few times. She was hilarious and an ER doctor, which was one job I couldn’t imagine having. So much pressure, that had to be draining. Not to mention endless years of medical school. No thank you.

“The guys should be trickling in soon,” Anna said, sliding onto one of the barstools. “That game was amazing. Nick was on fire, and I still can’t believe the goal Micah got. He doesn’t do that a lot.”

“Micah’s goal was sweet. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up,” Cora said, shooting me a wink from where she stood next to Anna.

I choked on my beer and started coughing.

“Um, Josie? You okay?” Cora asked, concerned.

“I knew it. Something totally happened with you two,” Harper all but shouted from her barstool next to mine.

“Shush, you,” I hissed when I finally stopped coughing.

“Fess up right the fuck now.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Ooh, yes. What’s going on with you two? Quick! Before the guys get here,” Cora said.

I sighed but couldn’t hide my giddiness.

Please do not let this bite me in the ass.

“I probably shouldn’t say anything,” I started.

“We’ll keep your confidence, I promise,” Anna said, moving in closer.

“Micah kissed me today.” Among other things.

“’Bout damn time. I hope it was epic,” Harper said, grinning like a loon.

“It was.” My tone was wistful.

“He played amazing tonight, so you should definitely keep kissing him,” Cora decided.

“Definitely. And how much kissing? Maybe more than kissing? Deets now, please,” Harper goaded.

Before I could say anything else, a roar went through the crowd as a bunch of the players walked in the front door.

“Oh, look, they’re here,” I said, tipping my glass toward the group of suited hockey players. Part of me was a little sad that they were here already because it felt good to talk to some women friends about my situation.

“We’re not done here, but I want to go kiss my boyfriend right now. Mmm, those suits,” Harper said, fanning her face.

I started to chuckle softly, but it froze in my throat when I locked eyes with Micah. Dammit, he was so freaking hot. His dark blond hair was slicked back from his shower, and my fingers itched to run through it and mess it up.

He approached, and I didn’t miss the heat in his gaze. He’d always been intense, but this was next level, and I was definitely here for it. My body shuddered when I caught his small smirk.

Gah. Gorgeous, delicious man.

“There’s one of our awesome goal scorers,” Harper called out. “Great game, Micah. You were on fire. You switch up your game day routine and try something new?”