“Your boy got a sweet goal tonight,” Harper said as we walked into Tipsy Steer later that night.
“He’s not my boy, but that goal was awesome. The entire game was,” I said, weaving through the crowd to the bar.
I mean, was he? I’d tried to play it cool during the game and not think about what I’d spent the afternoon doing with Micah in between brief naps. I was so freaking glad that he’d playedwell tonight—he’d played better than ever with that goal, and freaking hell, it’d been so hot watching him score. I would have refused to let his stupid superstitious ass up and lie and claim that he’d screwed up his game by screwing me during nap time anyway, but it was nice to have the win to back me up.
I bit back my smirk. After tonight’s performance, I was definitely going to play up the fact that having sex before the game might be his good luck charm. I would sacrifice myself for the good of the game.
If he wanted that, of course.
No. I shoved my doubts away. We hadn’t really discussed anything, but based on the fact that Micah is a terrible actor, I knew it’d been enjoyable for both of us. A little snort slipped out. Enjoyable was putting it mildly.
“What’s up with you tonight? You’ve been twitchy,” Harper said as she followed behind me.
I glanced over my shoulder. “Nothing. Just excited from that awesome game. They did so well tonight.” I wasn’t ready to tell Harper about this afternoon. I barely knew her, and I didn’t know where Micah and I stood anyway. Ugh, I hated feeling unsure about him.
She quirked a brow at me. “Sure, sure.”
Seriously, Micah had been amazing tonight, even beyond that goal. Every time they focused on his gorgeously sweaty face on the jumbotron or when he’d end up in front of me on the ice, I couldn’t look away. Dammit.
Yeah, I’d had a few orgasms courtesy of that man before the game, but I was all keyed up again. It was going to suck when he left tomorrow for the Stampede’s three-game road trip.
“Hey, Simone, how’s it going?” I asked when we stepped up to the bar, thankful for a way to get out of my head.
“It’s about to get even better after that game. Shit, that was some expert hockey. Way better than that Calgary game the other night.”
“Yeah, the boys should be in a great mood after tonight’s game,” Harper said. “Maybe we should’ve gone down to greet them instead of coming here right away.”
“You can make out with your boyfriend when he gets here,” I teased. I couldn’t wait to make out with Micah, but we’d have to wait until we got home. The smart thing to do was keep what happened during naptime quiet.
“Damn right, I will. Don’t be jealous,” she fired back, and I swatted her arm. She’d continued to not so subtly encourage me to go for Micah during the game. If she only knew.
“I’m not,” I muttered, and she eyed me. I grabbed the beer Simone had put in front of me and turned my attention to my new boss. “Let me know if you need help tonight.”
“I think we’re good. And you just enjoy your free night so you can come in tomorrow and work your ass off.”
“Deal,” I said, lifting my glass in salute. I’d only worked three shifts, but Simone was a fun boss, and I loved the other coworkers I’d met. I’d forgotten how much fun working in a bar could be—aside from the random douchebags that came in, but there hadn’t been too many so far.
Harper leaned against the bar next to me. “So, how is everything going? The roomie situation? All the different jobs?”
“All good. Variety is the spice of life, at least on the job front. Micah’s gotten extra twitchy.” That was all I was giving her.
Harper grinned. “And that makes you gleefully happy, doesn’t it? Making Micah twitch?”
I lifted a shoulder and tried not to grin. “Maybe.”
“You are so good for that man. I swear, he’s playing even better since you showed up.”
Especially tonight. A little flutter spiraled through my body. He better be up for a victory kiss and then some.
“I don’t know about that, but I get such a perverse pleasure out of teasing him. I know I should rein it in.” I paused, remembering the other day in the kitchen and how he couldn’t get away from me fast enough when Ray had texted.
Annoying cockblocking brother. But none of that had happened today, thankfully.