“Great. The guys are helping too. I mean, we all know that the kids want to see them, not us,” Sara said with a smile. “Now, I better get back in the kitchen before the players get here and start ordering.”
“You’re going to squeeze it in? Darcy, where are you finding all this free time?” Ally asked.
“I’m not. It’s for a good cause, so I wasn’t going to say no, but I’m trying to get everything done. Though I almost missed a deadline with Dr. Maguire.”
“Shit. That’s not good. This setup was supposed to help you focus on school.”
“I mean, it did eliminate random setups from my mom. All she does now is ask for more pictures of me and Jake and checks in to see how we’re doing.”
“Have you thought about quitting the coffee shop?”
“Daily,” she muttered. “I get by with my parents’ held and my small TA salary. I don’t technically need to work there.”
“Free coffee is great, but it’s not like you enjoy working there. You should give your notice before you get completed buried.”
“Smelling like burned coffee grounds and sweat is not pleasant. I’ll think about it,” Darcy said.
An hour later,and two drinks in, the guys finally showed up.
“I’m looking for the hot woman who was screaming from my seats. I think she had my name across her back,” Jake said, startling her when he snuck up on her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said as she tried to calm down her racing heart. “I was just watching the game. Must’ve been Ally yelling.”
“Oh no, that was all you, my dear,” Ally said. “Hey, Jake, great game.”
“A little tense toward the end, but we got our two points,” Jake said. “Now, I need a drink and some quality time with my girlfriend.”
“You two are adorable,” Ally said. “That’s a shot, right?”
“It’s actually two, but only when my mom is the one saying it,” Darcy replied.
“I think I’ll still take a shot,” Ally said.
“I heard someone say shots,” Baz said, popping up on the other side of Ally.
“Of course you did,” Ethan said. “Hey, Darcy. Still hanging out with this idiot?”
A few weeks ago that statement would’ve been said with a hard edge, but tonight there was only teasing in Ethan’s voice. Had they really fooled everyone?
She leaned her head against Jake’s chest, secretly thrilled when his heart pounded rapidly beneath her ear. “Yep. Think I’ll keep him around for a while.”
“You better,” Jake said, leaning over and brushing a kiss in her hair.
“It’s almost sickeningly sweet. You know, like you and Penny,” Baz said to Ethan, flashing his partially toothless grin.
“Shut up, Baz,” Ethan said. “And why are you doing shots, Ally?”
“Because I’m an adult and I do what I want,” Ally fired back.
“You can’t argue with that,” Darcy said with a laugh as she snuggled into Jake’s side. This time he pressed a soft kiss below her ear, and she bit her lip.
God. Why did that feel so good every time? It was just a tiny kiss.
“How many drinks have you had?” Jake whispered against her jaw.
“Two. But no shots,” she said, turning her face up to look at him. She noticed the heat in his gaze, and she wrapped her hand around his tie, pulling him close, his mouth a breath away from hers.