Darcy:Why thank you. Now I have to get to class.
Jake:You watching the game tonight?
Darcy:Since it’s on at four here, I probably won’t be home. But good luck tonight.
Jake:Thanks, babe. Maybe you should sleep in that jersey I got you and send me a pic.
Darcy:Goodbye, Jake. Stay out of the penalty box.
His only reply was a grinning emoji.
A grin that was echoed on her face. She wasn’t supposed to like him this much.
When she walkedthrough her front door later that night, she turned on the game. It was halfway through the final period and the Strikers were up five to one against Tampa. And she had the apartment to herself. She ducked into her room and grabbed the jersey, pulling it over her head. Then she snapped a few pics before removing it and going back into the living room to watch the rest of the game.
They ended up winning six to two, and she cheered along with the local announcers calling the game.
She sent Jake a few of the pictures.
Darcy:Just for you. Great game, Jake.
Then she settled on the couch and flipped to the Science Channel for a documentary about otters. They were seriously the cutest of all the animals.
Her phone chimed within the hour.
Jake:Looking good with my number on your back. Maybe lose the pants next time.
She laughed but didn’t respond. She wasn’t sure how to take his flirtations. Was it just for show? She shouldn’t want it to be more.
For the nextfew days, they texted back and forth, sending pictures and getting to know each other. He was really going for authenticity on this, and she went along with it.
She was enjoying their conversations. Nothing heavy was shared, but his humor was refreshing and she found herself waiting in anticipation for his messages.
It could’ve been a problem if she didn’t know where they stood. But their rules were clear. And necessary.
The Strikers ended up winning all of their games on the road and she was looking forward to seeing him when they got back to town. He’d sent her a standard Northman jersey that she’d promised to wear to their next home game.
Jake smoothed downhis tie and headed up the front stairs to Darcy’s building. He was fucking nervous, which was insane, because this was just for show.
Not that they were hanging out with anyone else they knew on Valentine’s Day, but going out tonight would cement their coupledom. A few snaps on social media, a nice dinner, and a drink or two should do it.
Yet he was nervous.
Fucking hell. What was his problem?
Without realizing it, he’d fretted all the way up to her apartment, and the front door swung open before he could knock.
He tried to keep his mouth from gaping. She was fucking gorgeous, with dark curls falling past her shoulders.
“Um, you’re going to get cold,” he said, the words stumbling out as he took in her fitted sleeveless red dress. It molded to her curves like his hands ached to do, nipping in at the waist and flaring out loosely over her hips to just below her knees.
There was nothing fake about how much he wanted her. The urge to press her up against the wall and kiss her until her red lipstick disappeared was overwhelming, and he needed to rein it in.
Right. The. Fuck. Now.