Page 34 of Going All In

“Understandable. Are you having any issues with your studies? You only have a few weeks left to complete your final graduation review,” Dr. Maguire said.

“Yes. I’m almost done with my preparation. We are meeting again next week, and then I have meetings scheduled with the other two committee members next Friday and the following Monday,” Darcy said, pulling out her notes. Nailing down a time with Dr. Chen in the biostatistics department had been the most challenging as his free time coincided with most of her office and study group hours.

“Great. You’ve already had your project approved, so we just have to make sure you will meet all the dates and requirements. It’s clear you have a passion for your subject, along with an analytical approach, and that is key to your presentation.”

“Thank you. I’m just waiting for a few final studies and results to come back. One on brain plaques and environment. The data looks good with what I have so far, so I’m happy with that.”

“Make sure you have plenty of time to devote to this. I’m not going to tell you to quit your job, but your project is strong and has great potential.”

“Thank you, Dr. Maguire,” Darcy said.

They spent the next thirty minutes reviewing her next steps before Darcy headed to the class she was running today. The professor that she assisted wasn’t able to make it and had asked her to run the class. This was the first time Darcy would be up in front of a large group of students by herself and she was nervous. Luckily, it was one of the classes she’d enjoyed the most when she was an undergrad.

As she made her way across campus, her phone vibrated in her bag. She plopped it down on a nearby bench and pulled out her phone, swiping it on.

Jake:Good afternoon, loving girlfriend. How’s your day going?

She laughed and shook her head.

Darcy:Loving girlfriend?

Jake:Sweet cheeks?

Darcy:How about Darcy?

Jake:You’re no fun. So, what are you wearing right now?


Jake:Play along. A boyfriend asks these sorts of things.

Darcy:Why are you texting me?

Jake:Just finished a quick practice before tonight’s game and thought I’d check in. Like the exceptional boyfriend I am.

Darcy:Your cocky is showing, Jake.

Jake:Nope, my pants are fully zipped.

She couldn’t help her snort. Or the grin that seemed to always show up when he started texting.

Darcy:Ugh. That’s not what I meant. I have to get to class.

Jake:Is it a boring one? Is the professor a snooze?

Darcy:Actually, I’m teaching the class today.

Jake:Aren’t you a student? And what exactly are you studying?

Darcy:It’s the class I TA for and the professor couldn’t make it today. Jury duty or something. I’m getting a master’s in clinical research with a concentration in epidemiology and biostatistics.

Jake responded with an exploding head smiley face emoji that made her chuckle.

Jake:Jesus, that’s a mouthful. Baz was right.


Jake:You are definitely too smart for me.