Page 15 of Claim Me Forever

“Could I work in your bar?”

“No.” He says this without even thinking about it.

“Right, sorry. It was a stupid question.” I mean I have absolutely zero clue what to do in a bar. I’ve never even been in one before. I take a deep breath, trying to get the burst of anxiety I’m experiencing under control. I really had not thought this far ahead when Winter and I were making our escape plan from Heaven’s Temple.

“Shit,” he mutters. “That’s not what I meant.”

"No, it's fine.” I wave my hand. “I get it. I don’t know anything about bars. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“You can ask me anything, Libby.” He tries to reassure me, but my pride took a hit. “I’m going to move your chair.” Ace doesn’t wait for me to respond. He turns sideways to fully face me before hooking his foot in the bottom of it to pull me right between his legs. He’s so close his woodsy scent surrounds me.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m making things more clear. I’ll give you a job if you want one, but I think right now you just need to relax.” He slowly moves his hand to let me know he’s about to touch me. Ace’s hand comes to my bare thigh, his thumb drifting back and forth in a soothing motion. “Want you to start by getting used to people. A bar can be loud and filled with different types of people. Let's take a breath and let life settle in for a bit.”

“Okay,” I agree, loving his hand on me. His simple touch always calms me so much. Ace grounds me even in a way Winter couldn’t.

“Now eat,” he orders.

Ace picks up his fork, digging into the biscuits and gravy. He leaves his hand on my thigh. His thumb strokes me the whole time.

I don't care about adjusting to other people. I simply want to learn everything I can about him. I hope the snow keeps on falling so I can stay right here forever.



Isuppress a groan, determined not to awaken the sleeping beauty. Once again, I woke up to Libby plastered to me. Not that I’m complaining. I don't want her to wake up. I enjoy my time just feeling her body pressed against mine. I can watch her openly. I didn’t know sweet torture was a thing, but here I am. I have been experiencing it for the last week.

The first night here, Libby and I watched a movie in bed. It’s something we’ve done a lot over the last week. She’s enjoying it immensely. I love watching all of her different reactions. It’s actually teaching her a lot about how people interact with each other. And they say television will rot your brain.

We’d both dozed in and out at times. When night finally came and it was clear she couldn’t stay awake any longer, I said I’d take the couch. Libby protested, saying she was smaller. I told her my mother, rest her soul, would have my hide if I allowed her to sleep on the couch. So Libby suggested we share the bed. That it was big enough. It is a king. Not that it matters. She always found her way over to me in her sleep.

She was embarrassed the first few times she woke up pressed against me. I shrugged it off and downplayed it. I told her I didn’t mind her cuddles at all. Not a lie. It's all part of my plan to get her used to my touch. I want to get Libby comfortable with me so she never wants to leave. Each day I get more of that, but I’m worried it’s about to come to an end.

The blizzard had subsided for a day, but another one quickly followed. Now that one is dying down. I know the town is already starting to plow the roads and get things back on track. That means Winter is going to be coming here soon.

I know the sisters are excited to see each other, but I have a feeling Winter is going to want to take Libby back home with her. I have noticed with their conversations and stories that Libby tells me that Winter might be her sister, but she takes on a mama bear role with her too.

“Ace,” Libby mutters in her sleep, burying her face in my neck.

I close my eyes, ignoring my dick. I want to soak this in. She always smells so damn good. That sweetness she has covers her inside and out.

How the fuck am I going to handle her leaving? I can’t demand she stay. As much as I would want to, I know that’s not right for her. Libby has been told what to do her whole life. I don’t want her to think I’m like those men at Heaven’s Temple. It would kill me if she thought of me in that light. Plus, I think we’re making progress on her leg. With the stretches and rubdowns I've been giving her, it's becoming less noticeable. She also mentioned that the pain is not as intense as it used to be.

There is no way Winter can rub her deep tissue if her hands are as tiny as Libby’s. There's absolutely no way I would even consider allowing my brother to do it. I’d break all his fingers, which would upset Winter, and that would upset Libby.

Libby's body gives a small shake, a giggle bubbling out from her. "Why are you growling?"

"I wasn’t." Was I? I do a lot of things I’ve never done before since she came into my life. Her being in this bed sleeping next to me is on top of that list. So I wouldn’t be surprised if I had been. I do have barbaric thoughts when it comes to her. I have thought many of them to be animalistic. Yeah, I’m going fucking crazy, but I don’t care.

"You were." I can hear the smile in her voice. "Why?" Libby asks again.

"You get enough sleep?"

"Hey." She slides over me, sitting up and straddling me. Her hands come down on my chest. I don't think she has a fucking clue how sexual this position is, but she is up high enough on my stomach that her ass doesn't rub against my dick. "Don't do the thing where you ask a question to not answer mine." Her bottom lip puffs out. I want to sit up and suck on it.

I bring my hands to the top of her thighs, resting them there. Again, no reaction from her.