“All right.” I put my hands up to concede. “You’re the boss.” I drop down into one of the chairs at the kitchen island. I don’t have a dining room area. I never thought I needed one. I assumed it would take up unnecessary space. Now I'm reconsidering many of my decisions.
All of them were based on me living a solo life. I never thought in a million years that the girl of my dreams would actually be standing in my space, wanting to cook a meal for me. I can’t even express the emotions coursing through my body now that she’s here.
I could get used to this. Who the fuck am I kidding? I already am.
Ace watches me as I move throughout his kitchen. I enjoy the feel of his eyes on me. At the compound, I was bothered by the stares of some of the other men. Even my own father would watch me intensely. Not sure what he thought I was going to do, but it all irked me. It’s so different with Ace, but then again, everything is.
“You don’t have to watch over me. I swear I won’t fall or burn the place down.” As much as I enjoy him watching me, I don't want him doing it out of obligation. The last thing I want him to see me as is a burden. He shouldn’t feel obligated to keep me here because it’s the right and good thing to do.
Unfortunately, that is probably the case. He might like me just fine, but it doesn’t mean he wants me all up in his space forever. I’m sure he has a whole life of things he might need to handle.
“Maybe I enjoy it.” I turn, giving him my back so that he doesn’t see my giant smile or the flush to my cheeks. “Not used to having someone here, let alone cooking for me.” I like that I can offer this to him. He has already done so much for me that I could never repay.
Jealousy fills me thinking about Ace having another girl here. I’m sure he has a million options. He is the hottest man I have ever seen in my life. Not to mention he’s this badass.
“No courting for you?” I ask, peeking over my shoulder at him. I don’t want to poke too much, but I know if I don’t ask, my curiosity will kill me.
“Courting?” He chuckles. “Nah, not big on the dating thing.”
“Why’s that?” Ace is older than me. Men of Ace's age were married and engaged to a second wife by now at Heaven’s Temple.
“Went from high school to enlisting. After Garrett and I left special operations, we pursued private work. You never know when or where that may lead.”
“Hmm,” I say, pondering that. “Like you could leave at any given moment?” A feeling of unease fills me.
“It’s not like when I was working for the government. I can turn down work, so if I don’t want to leave, I don’t have to.” I’m not going to lie, the thought of him leaving makes me panic a little inside. I know it’s insane because he doesn’t owe me anything. But that doesn’t stop the dread I feel.
“Do you turn down work?” I ask, wanting to get a better handle on my expectations.
“Not really. I get bored. Gotta keep busy.”
“I suppose.” I check the biscuits in the oven. “We were always busy doing things on the compound. I swear, from sunup to sundown, we were working.”
“Not the way life is supposed to be.” I hope that's true. It could be miserable.
“I guess I’ll see that soon enough for myself.” I turn back around to face him, leaning up against the kitchen island.
“You won’t be by yourself.”
I’m not so sure about that. My sister has Garrett now. I bet they’ll get married. If anyone should find happiness, it's Winter. She has spent her whole life taking care of me. I need to start taking care of myself.
“Special ops, like missions and stuff?” I ask to change the subject.
“Yeah.” While I finished cooking, Ace told me about some of his time working for the government and how the private sector operates. He’s starting to remind me of a super soldier. With how he’d come into Heaven’s Temple, he kind of is.
“You want some orange juice?” Ace asks when I set a plate down on the island.
“Yes, please!” Orange juice was a treat on the compound. Ace pours me a giant cup, which I chug half down. “Wait,” I say when he starts to refill it. He doesn't stop, though. He fills it back up to the top and places the jug on the island. “That’s a lot of orange juice. It’s expensive.” We never took seconds at the compound. It most likely would have led to punishment.
“I promise it’s fine, sweetheart. Now sit.” He pulls out one of the chairs for me.
“I guess I really don’t know the price of things.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. "I'll need to find a job and then possibly find somewhere to live." My mind starts racing with things. “What qualifications do you need to have a job? I’m good at cooking and cleaning. I’m not bad in the garden, but I’m terrible at sewing. I mean, I can do it; I'm just not quick enough. You should see Winter. She’s like a machine.”
“Babe,” Ace cuts in. “Let’s slow down.”