Kara finds it fascinating that this whole boating trip really does seem to be a working session for Gale, along with many of the men on the main deck. People take calls, lounge about answering emails, or just sit in the sun.
I guess this is pretty chill. Better than being trapped in an office all day,Kara muses to herself, feeling oddly productive.
After nearly two hours, the Captain turns them back towards the river, taking them the scenic route through the city, the skyscrapers glittering around them.
“You do this every Friday?” Kara asks Gale after they finish plowing through another of Dietrich’s acquisition documents.
Putting her pale hair up, Gale nods before taking a bite from a croissant. “When the season allows, yes. Having fun? Despite the work? You’re doing fabulous, by the way.”
Kara feels immensely pleased at the praise, beaming, like the sun is coming out of her chest. “It’s kind of nice. I like how everyone minds their own business.”
Twirling her pen, Gale starts to say something when she pauses suddenly.
There’s a soft noise from above their head, cutting through the wind, the soothing music, and the background drone of male voices on the lower deck. A ringtone. Gale looks upwards, mouth going firm. She seems to be holding her breath until the sound stops. Then nothing. Gale seems to relax in relief.
Pointing to a few of the documents, Gale tells Kara the best way to keep things to the point so that opposing lawyers don’t have a chance to claim that they can’t find something in articles, causing more back and forth.
“Dieter pays well,” Gale says softly, “So there is absolutely no reason not to be quick and to the point with any request. Some lawyers aretryingto rack up billing hours for their own selfish reasons. If he is hellbent on keeping you, don’t you dare try and dally on his dime. Your job is to force opposing counsel to move forward.”
Kara frowns, looking up from the layout of the documents, pondering something from Gale’s words. “What do you mean, ‘keeping me’?”
The other woman opens her mouth to reply, but she freezes again, eyes drifting sharply upward once more.
The telltale sound of Dieter’s ringtone goes off again, like a herald of doom. Gale inhales sharply, as if sensing a storm. The ringing stops; this time the phone has been answered. Kara can hear Dietrich’s cashmere tone somewhere above them, a low cadence that makes her heart pound. When she tries to focus on the document in front of her, she freezes in shock when she hears a loudly snarled, “I’m sorry, do I run a fucking charity or do I run a business? Don’t ask me such stupid questions. I did this as a favor,don’tmake me regret hoisting you up.”
So much for a zen atmosphere.
There’s a growl of irritation from above and the sound of a chair scratching the floor. Dietrich starts his way down the ladder with fast angry movements and Kara finds herself eyeballing his athletic body, his short sleeve button-down completely open, exposing an athletically toned frame, sleek muscles flexing with his fast, angry movements. His pale hair, nearly white in the sunlight, is like a beacon.
“No, don’t look at him,” Gale whispers to Kara, tapping her hand sharply. “Eyes on the documents. Let him take it out on whoever he intends to point that hot action at.”
Kara glances downward quickly as he passes by, pretending to be unaware of his existence.
One of the guys down on the main deck waves with a laugh, seeing Dietrich approach. “Rapunzel, it’s about time you came down from your tower! How about a bump-”
Before the guy can even finish the sentence, Dietrich has his fists wrapped up in the guy’s shirt, pushing him against the lower railing. “Don’t come at me with that drivel, Terry. A bump?Fuck you. Do I look like I want to snort anything right now? Look at my face. Do I have your attention now?”
Hands up in surrender, Terry says, “Whoa. Easy Dee-”
“Don’t placate me. I thought you told me Maxwell was good to hold up his end. I’m only dealing with him on your recommendation, after all.”
The guy is going pale fast. “H-he is good to hold up his end! Dieter, what-”
“Then why is he asking me to foot his end of the deal?”
“I didn’t know he would do that. He’s never asked me to do anything like that before on a joint venture!” Terry replies nervously, practically shouting.
That pale head of hair tilts dangerously, Dietrich practically crowding the man up against the side of the boat. “So, why is he askingme? He’syourpal, isn’t he?”
Terry looks pale under his tan, sweat on his brow. Thinking. “M-maybe because he knows…”
Soft and venomous. “Knows what?”
“T-that you can easily shoulder it all.” Terry looks horrified the moment it comes out of his mouth.
Their noses are practically touching now. While Dietrich is an inch shorter than the other man, he makes up for that inch with sheer intimidation, getting up in his face likes he’s going to tear it off. “Icanshoulder it all. Icantake care of your weasel of a friend, who thinks he can somehow come out on top without my say-so. I just don’t want to. I don’t want to help anyone who thinks they can take advantage of my station.”
“It’s nothing for you to help him and you know it,” Terry says with daring reproach. “Consider it as an investment…he might be able to return the favor in a year.”