With a depreciating grin, Gale says, “That’s the thing; it’s not hard to like him. He’s likeable, loveable even.”
Narrowing her eyes in mock suspicion, Kara says with amusement, “You sound like you’ve loved him before.”
“No.” She makes an odd little scoff that is very un-Gale like, with dark undercurrents of emotion. A loaded sound. She barely whispers, “I know him far too well for that. He’s always been my client and nothing more.” After that, Gale forces a calm smile on her face, eerily so. “Well, I’ll be seeing you Friday. I’ll text you the address. We can make up for lost time while we sail.”
They hug goodbye and Kara feels like the whole encounter just put a huge rift in her life. If she ends up working on Dietrich Bittinger’s account…what does that mean for her? The pay sounded unreal, if Gale was able to purchase a lake house from a single case of his alone in the past year. That kind of money soundednice. Her college tuition bills were extreme from law school. She could quit the firm and work directly-
Don’t get ahead of yourself, Gale kept you away for a reason, chickadee.
Ugh! He’s got that word stuck in my head now! The rat bastard.
But, having a relationship like that with a client seemed intriguing. Like a partnership, instead of a stranger you sometimes talk to. Gale’s operation is far more sophisticated with Dietrich, likely because his account is probably astronomical, considering his global businesses.
As Kara heads back to the office, reeling from the unexpected encounter, her phone vibrates a little bit, signifying that she missed a call. Her heart leaps, and she hopes to see ‘Calais’ written across the screen, ridiculously. Kara takes out her phone and stops walking in the middle of the sidewalk, feels her heart stop beating, like she’s become a living corpse.
Herfathercalled, but left no voicemail.
With a trembling finger, Kara deletes the missed call notification, pretends, oh how she pretends that she didn’t see it at all. Her body is shaking.
Maybe he won’t call again.
But, he probably will.
Chapter 19
The morning sun is lovely, the heat of the day only hinted at as the sun rises. The city is just beginning to turn into a madhouse with rush hour. Kara texts Derrick that she won’t be in the office until late afternoon and he ends up replying with a cryptic,Taking off a whole morning? That’s new for you. Must be boating with Gale. Just take the day.
Feeling a sting of guilt, Kara texts back,How did you know?
His reply is quick.You went to lunch with her the other day. Bob told me. Besides, I recognize the ‘Bittinger special’ from a mile away,Derrick replies.Get some work done while you’re there. Closing arguments are around the corner. Also, try to get an update from that cop friend of yours…we need to see what we can do about Paxton Brooker’s case and tie it to X’s story.
Kara swallows, realizing she’s going to have to call Detective Ray Wellis soon.
Arriving at the private dock, Kara hoists her oversized beach bag on her shoulder, squinting from behind her sunglasses, trying to catch sight of Gale. She has her documents and laptop, hoping her hotspot works on the water. Her swimsuit top is on under her pale, casual blouse, paired with soft fabric shorts.
She’s anxious, the kind of anxious that comes with having to be in an unfamiliar situation.
A warm hand grips her elbow as she stares at all the boats, floating in the glittering water. Gale is standing beside her, wearing elegant, flowy clothing, perfect for a day at on a boat, complete with black sandals with purple jewels. Gale and her amethysts. “’Morning, friend.” Gale chuckles. “You look lost.”
Realizing she’s been gazing about aimlessly, Kara says, “Just waiting for you. Wasn’t sure which yacht it is anyway.” She pauses, looking at the assortment at the marina. “These look…” Expensive. “…nice.”
With Gale leading the way, they board a three-level yacht. Big enough to throw a decently sized party on. There’s a main deck, a small middle section with tables and couches, then what appears to be a ladder up to the very tip top, likely a very small sundeck. Gale brings Kara to the middle area with the tables.
Gale gestures at the catered food, already set up. “Grab what you want and take a seat. I usually work in this area. Sometimes others will take calls here too.” Coffee and bagels, along with assorted breakfast sandwiches. There’s even orange juice and champagne waiting. Starving, Kara grabs some food and a coffee, sipping it quickly to sharpen her mind. It smells of hazelnut and she savors it gleefully.
There are already some men in casual khaki shorts and pastel tops hanging out on the main deck, drinking mimosas or coffee. Kara recognizes none of them, to her relief. There’s a small putting green section, a man practicing his aim at the end of it, trying to get a golf ball into a tipped over cup. The other men are making jokes about his form.
Kara hears the engine start up as the yacht begins to move away from dock. Gale is already unpacking her things as if she’s done this a hundred times. Maybe she has. “I have some stuff we can work on together,” Gale says lightly. “Dieter wants me to teach you a few things.”
Heart leaping into her throat, Kara squints against the bright sun. “Where is he?”
Gale points her pen upwards without taking her gaze from Kara’s face. “Up top, probably snoozing. He has to get up early to get down to the city. You can hear the music? That’s his.”
Kara pauses to listen and then smiles when she realizes there is something really soft playing. Something that belongs in a spa, soothing, wordless. Taking out her own laptop, Kara whispers, “He’s into zen stuff, really? I, ah, kinda heard he was, well…” Kara tries to think of how to call him a party drug addict politely. “…into other things…not so calming.”
Gale’s lip quirks. “An energy lit cokehead? Oh, he’s that, too. That would be why he needs his peace time in the morning. He’s probably up there, slicked in tanning oil, completely knocked out behind his sunglasses. If we’re lucky, no one will bother him for at least an hour or two.” She smiles warmly. “Fingers crossed.”
The sailing is smooth as Kara works with Gale on a few documents, picking up tips and tricks, learning new things to watch out for. The sun is heating them up quickly, reflecting off the water. There’s a constant breeze, which provides some relief.