"Yes, Miss, but he ordered me to wait for you to leave."
I'd really like to say no, but my back is in so much pain because I did some cleaning in a house this morning, and after dancing in high heels, I feel destroyed.
"Thank you for waiting, Mr. . . .”
"Larry West, Miss, at your service."
"Thank you, Mr. West. I'm very tired, and a ride sounds like a dream."
This time, when I get home, my stepmother is waiting for me.
"You're working at a club as a dancer," she says, holding a SIN business card that I probably dropped from my bag. There's no accusation in her voice, only disappointment. "You didn't need to lie to me."
"I was embarrassed."
"About what? Are you doing something wrong?"
"No, just dancing in an exclusive men's club, wearing very little clothing.Verylittle, in fact."
"Not naked, I hope."
"No. There was that option too, but I declined."
"God, Madison, still, it's not what I want for you."
"What's the alternative, Mom? How can I keep my promise to Brooklyn to take care of the babies if I don't have enough money?"
"I wish I could help."
"You already do so much by looking after the kids. I wouldn't dare leave my niece and nephew with anyone else."
She hugs me, and I know she's devastated that I'm working at the nightclub, but I can't be ashamed of trying everything legally possible to take care of my family.
"I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but the social worker called. She said she'll be coming by tomorrow morning for a routine visit."
"Oh my God. That woman has it out for us! Why? We've always taken good care of the babies, and despite being poor, they have everything kids need to grow up healthy."
"I get chills every time she threatens to take the kids away. Maybe it's time we look for a lawyer."
"I'll look into it," I reply, pretending I'm not terrified.
I can't lose temporary custody of my niece and nephew. I promised Brooklyn, and I'll die before breaking that promise.
Expectingsomeone else to make decisions that involve me isn't my typical approach, much less giving deadlines. I'm more of a black-and-white type.
That should already be a warning sign that Madison will unbalance my life, but even though it's completely out of character for me, this slow game of chase only heightens my desire.
I didn't expect complexity from someone so young. At nineteen, I just wanted to live life. Although, it didn't last long, since when I turned twenty-two, my father committed suicide and the responsibility of the family fell on me, as my grandfather was no longer in good enough health to oversee our business.
I swirl the whiskey in my hand, reminiscing about everything that has happened since I first laid eyes on her.
For the first time in my life, I'm throwing caution to the wind, because if I were to rationalize, I'd pay attention to what Ares told me yesterday.
Madison is all wrapped up in confusion, and yet, I don't want to resist the desire to possess her. The way she danced for metoday once again made me want to take her off that stage and kiss every inch of her until she confessed that the desire was mutual.