It wouldn't be a difficult equation to understand if, coupled with the overwhelming physical attraction, the woman didn't also awaken in me the desire to protect her, which is why I instructed my driver to take her home. The place she lives in is crappy, and after some research, I found out that the crime rate is quite high. What are the chances that, coming back late at night, looking so beautiful, she won't end up as yet another victim like so many others around the country?
The thought weighs on my stomach like a ball of iron, even though I know this desire to take care of her isn't rational. The girl is not mine, and even though we have an understanding, it won't be more than a fleeting relationship.
My phone vibrates with a call from Hades, my younger brother.
"Why didn't you go to Ares' birthday?" I ask without greeting him. Dionysus is right, our grandfather would be disappointed at how we've been leading our lives, growing distant from each other.
"I had business to attend to."
"What kind?"
He falls silent, and I guess immediately.
"You need to let that go and move on with your life, Hades."
"No. I won't stop until they've all been punished."
"The woman has already been punished plenty. What more do you expect?"
"There's one more. The damn fugitive."
"And in the meantime, you're stuck in the past."
"You're the last person who can give me advice about moving forward, brother. You've just closed a deal that will entangle the damned Gordons with us."
"I won't go back on my word. I promised our grandfather."
"Exactly what I'm saying. Revenge is in our DNA. I won't stop until both of them are destroyed. But that's not why I called; I want to talk about the dancer."
"My private life is none of your concern."
It doesn't surprise me that Ares told him about Madison. Even though we don't see each other as often now, my brothers and I still look out for each other, even if it means invading each other's privacy.
"I'm not concerned about scandal. You know I couldn't care less about the bank's actions, Zeus. I just want to know where you're going with this. It's not your usual behavior."
"Do you realize how prejudiced that sounds?"
"It has nothing to do with prejudice; I just want to understand what it is about this woman that's got your attention. You went to SIN two days in a row."
"I don't need to justify my actions to anyone, Hades. Focus on your revenge. My future is already planned out."
After we hang up, I look at my phone in my hand, knowing it's pointless to check for messages; she hasn't sent anything.
What's your game, Madison? What's stopping you from giving in?
My brothers are right about one thing: the girl is disrupting my life, which has always followed a predetermined path.
To get things back to normal, I need to settle this matter with Madison once and for all.
After taking another sip of the excellent vintage whiskey from the distillery of Duke Rodrick MacQuoid, a longtime friend, I place the glass on the side table, lean my head back on the sofa, and close my eyes.
The peace I seek, however, doesn't come; instead, the image of my daring girl with that body that promises me paradise appears.
My desire for Madison is turning into an obsession at an unbelievable speed. When she gave me that private dance yesterday, I thought I had everything under control. The offer I made her was more than I've ever proposed to any other woman because I don't set time limits, as my interest wanes quickly.
Was she playing around when she mentioned the car and the apartment? If I were to guess, I'd say she was testing me. She doesn't seem like the type to be easily impressed; even though she's so young, anyone can see she has more experience than her biological age suggests.
She said she's dealt with dangerous people. Who? Where's her family? Does she live alone?