Page 83 of Mountain Protector

Oh, crap.

This is bad.

So very bad.

I thought it was over. I thought I was safe.

But Ed? Fifty-something Ed who’s worked here for years? Whose most notable personality trait is his avid love of golf?

He had my dad over for Thanksgiving. They watched football together.

It doesn’t make sense.

It’s Alec, though. One of the smartest guys I’ve ever met. He wouldn’t bring up Ed if there wasn’t good reason. Knox wouldn’t be on his way here right now, texting me over and over, telling me to lock myself in my office…

My mind feels like it’s splitting in two. Half is steadfastly denying what Knox just told me. Resolutely insisting it can’t be true. That there has to be a mistake.

The other half, though?—

In my gut, I believe Knox and his team. Which means I need to get Ed out of hereright now.

“Lark?” Ed clears his throat as his face screws up in irritation. He glances at my phone and asks, “Is there something more important than your father’s health?”

Crap. I’m going to blow this before I’ve even said a word.

I start to speak, but only a strangled croak comes out.

A look of concern—fake concern, now that I’m looking for it—moves across Ed’s face. “Are you alright? I know this is upsetting.”

“I’m fine,” I manage. Then I reach for my water bottle and take a sip, taking a few seconds to stall while I try to come up with a convincing reason to make Ed leave without arousing suspicion. “It’s just… unexpected.”

“Of course.” His expression turns sympathetic. “I know this isn’t the best time to get into it. So I was hoping we could meet outside work. Preferably someplace where we won’t run into any other employees.”

“Yes.” My heart is racing triple speed, and my stupid, traitorous cheeks are getting hot. “Great idea. Definitely.”

Great. And now my voice is getting all high and wobbly. What iswrongwith me?

My phone chimes, and I steal a quick glance at the screen. It’s Knox, telling me he’s thirty minutes from Montpelier, which feels like eons too long.

As Ed stares at me, I blurt, “I’m not really feelingwell, Ed. I’m not sure… I felt fine before, but maybe this news…”

“Sure.” He takes a step backwards, and I almost burst into relieved tears. “But I think it should be sooner than later, Lark. This could have serious repercussions for the company. And your dad. If he needs—” His gaze narrows on my hand, and I realize belatedly that the water bottle is shaking.

No. Myhandis shaking. And it’s becoming increasingly hard to breathe.

“Lark.” Shadows cloud his face. “Are you shaking?”

Crap. Forget pretending everything is fine. If he won’t leave, I will.

Rising from my chair, I say, “I really don’t feel well, Ed. I’m going home. Can you just… email me? And we can?—”

Are mykneesshaking?

My face is on fire.

Get it together. Calm down.

“After Christmas,” I force out. “We can meet after Christmas. Or the New Year.”