Page 82 of Mountain Protector

I jab at the phone to answer. “What did you find?”

Enzo’s voice is grim as he says, “Alec found a connection between Vinnetti and Lark.”


“It’s not definite, Knox. But it gives us a suspect.” A pause, and then, “There were some deleted emails. They didn’t say anything overtly suspicious. But it looks like code for something else. A job, maybe.”

“A job? Like a job to break into Lark’s house and shoot her?”

Distractedly, I feel the truck moving faster.

“Yes.” Enzo pauses again. “The emails were to a man named Edward Harrison. He works at Lark’s company.”


Panic is threatening to take over, but I force myself to stay calm. To remind myself that she’s in her office. In a building with almost one-hundred employees. She’s safe. She just has to get this person out of her office and lock the door.

Clicking the phone over to speakerphone, I send another text to Lark.

Don’t freak out. Alec found some info. He thinks Edward Harrison might be involved. Do you know him? I’m on myway with Ronan. Stay in your office with the door locked until I get there.

Five agonizing seconds pass—I know because I counted them—before her reply appears.

Ed’s in my office. Trying to get rid of him now. Will call when he’s gone.

Oh, fuck.

Enzo is still talking. “Alec investigated him before, but there was nothing alarming. No red flags. Just a long-term employee?—”

But I’ve stopped listening. It’s hard to hear anything other than the frantic pounding of my heart.

“Ed’s in her office,” I say through a narrowing throat. “That’s who she was talking to when I texted her.”


Logically, I know she should be okay.

That Ed has no idea we’re on to him.


Lark has such an expressive face. Her cheeks go pink whenever she’s nervous.


I’m scared for her.

While Ronan pushes the truck even faster and fear makes frantic wingbeats in my chest, I text Lark one more time.

Please. Be careful. I’ll be there soon.

This time, the response is immediate.

I will.