You’re getting old.
Mature. She’d matured from her college days when all-nighters’d been a regular thing.
The display of Christmas paraphernalia still covered the lawn of the house she’d always think of as the cuddle house.
Interestingly, she was more nervous tonight than a month ago. That’d been excitement—something new and all that. Tonight was nerves tinged with sadness.
Mitch hadn’t called.
And, to be fair, she hadn’t either.
About a dozen times a day, she picked up the phone.
A text. How hard was it to send a quick text?Hey, how are you?Heard you didn’t kill anyone. The computer is broken…That one tempted the most. She knew enough about computers tobreakone just enough to require a technician, but not so much that she caused permanent damage. But she hadn’t, of course. She wasn’t manipulative like that. Set Marnie up with eight men? Sure.
And look how well that turned out.
Well, yeah. Darius was still with Mallory. Apparently Noel was gay. Had she known that? She couldn’t remember. And, after speaking with Tristan at Starbucks, she learned he was pretty sure Xavier was and maybe even Marcus? Although maybe he’d misunderstood and Marcus was just in a relationship with someone that he preferred to keep quiet.
At least Marcus and Zach hadn’t actually come to blows. That would’ve just made everything so much worse.
Tristan had also, gently, let her know that although he cared for Marnie deeply, he was aware the other woman didn’t return any of the affection. They were friends—nothing more.
At least my matchmaking attempts didn’t ruin the friendship.
Yeah, that’d been a bang-up job. She hadn’t heard back from Marcus, Xavier, Owen, Zach, or Declan either. She was still grateful Declan’d offered to drive Mitch to the police detachment.
Should call and thank him.
Actually, there were plenty of things she needed to do.
A knock on her car window startled her. Once the momentary panic receded, she picked out Geoff in the dim light. She smiled and held up one finger.
Decision made, she snagged her bag, and exited the car.
Geoff held an umbrella over her. “I saw it was you. I don’t know if you were waiting for the rain to clear or just debating whether to come in, but I knew I had to coax you out of the car.” He indicated the umbrella. “Just glad you decided to come. I saw you on the RSVP list and I was thrilled. I didn’t see that other guy, though. Mitch?”
“No, Mitch won’t be here tonight.”
“Ah, too bad. That cuddle with the three of us was awesome.”
She appreciated he didn’t mention her breakdown. Tears were so unlike her that she was still a little surprised it’d happened at all.
They scurried over to the house as he held the umbrella over her.
He’s such a gentleman.
Much as Mitch was.
Don’t think about him.
Yeah, right. If she truly wanted to put the man out of her mind, she would’ve gone skating or something. In their time together, they hadn’t managed that dating ritual. Her house? He was everywhere. Although he’d only left a toothbrush, his presence filled her space. Plato still gave her the side-eye, as if demanding to know what she’d done with his other favorite human.
Vance spotted them coming and held the door open as they scooted inside. He laughed as Geoff closed the umbrella. “Crazy weather. We considered calling tonight off, but so many people said they’d come…well, we didn’t want to disappoint anyone. How many will actually show is a whole other question.” He spotted Loriana’s bag and indicated the stairs. “You know the way.”
She nodded and headed upstairs. Now she was here, the trepidation was easing. This place felt familiar, even though she’d only been here once before. Like coming home. Which gave her a pang because she’d never felt that way in her parents’ home. There’d been no love—certainly no affection or hugs.
Mitch gives the best hugs.