Yeah, he really did. Ones she could sink into. She could rest her head across his broad chest and just let him enfold her. All her cares would melt away.
Well, Mitch wasn’t here. And Geoff gave pretty wonderful hugs. Perhaps tonight she’d let him snuggle her from behind. Like Mitch’d done that first night. Or maybe she’d meet someone else.
I don’t want anyone else.
Christ, you sound like a petulant five-year-old.
Get a grip.
And so she would.
When she finished getting into her pajamas, she tucked the bag under her coat and headed out of the room and back downstairs.
Patsy stood in the foyer, and when she spotted Loriana, she squealed. Then she held her arms open wide, and Loriana stepped into the embrace.
Tears pricked the back of her eyes as she acknowledged just how tough of a week she’d had. She hadn’t let herself admit the truth—Mitch wasn’t coming back. And she was to blame. She never should’ve hung up on him after he, rightly, declined to attend her party.
A fucking party.
And she should’ve texted him. And kept texting him until she got a reply.
Okay, that might’ve made her look like a stalker, but it would’ve been worth it if he finally responded.
Or she should’ve driven over and simply camped out on his doorstep until he granted her admittance.
Yet she’d done none of these things, and now the only solace she had was from a gentle woman.
Redemption’s not coming.
Geoff appeared by her side and offered an arm.
With gratitude, she took it.
He led her down the stairs and guided her to the middle where the circle was already forming. Soon the doors would close, and the night of cuddles would begin.
At least I have this.
Chapter twenty-two
But he was here now, so he might as well go in and face his fate.
He’d donned his coat over his pajamas and shoved his feet into boots that offered a modicum of protection from the rain. It’d eased on his drive up, but puddles were everywhere.
She might not even be here.
Except she’d RSVP’d and, yep, there was her car.
The display on the dash informed him that he had about three minutes before the doors closed and the circle began.
I’ve left it too late.
All that hemming and hawing and serious debating about whether this was the right move. Maybe Monday at the library would’ve been a better choice. With Marnie there for moral support.
Another minute ticked by.