“I promise.”

“You don’t have your fingers crossed or something, do you?”


“Why wouldn’t I want her to be happy?”

“Did you ever consider she might be single and happy? You were. Or at least I think you were.”

She moved her head in a so-so gesture. “I don’t regret any of my choices—because they led me to you—but I prefer to have someone to share my life with.”

“Well, then, I guess it’s a good thing you have me.” He coaxed her up so they could seal the deal with a kiss. And another bout of lovemaking.

Poor Plato gave up his search for peace and quiet in the bedroom, and instead chose to head to his favorite chair in the living room where the newly engaged couple found him the next morning.

Mitch, much to Loriana’s amusement, gave the fat cat extra wet food. A nice gesture, but one that’d need to be curbed. The last thing she needed was more scolding from Dr. Zephyra Dixon.

Her fiancé wrapped his arms around her from behind, tugging her tight against him and resting his chin on her shoulder. “I can totally see this being my life for the next fifty or sixty years.”

She turned, still tight in the embrace, and looked up at him. “Yeah, I can too.”

“Happy New Year.”

Her eyes widened. “I missed the ball dropping.”

He snickered. “We got engaged last night, andthat’syour first thought?”

“Actually, my first thought is we have to invite Patsy and Vance to the wedding.”

His laughter burst forth from his chest. “Uh, I’m sure they’ll understand.” Then he sobered. “You want a big wedding?”

Horror overtook her. “Christ no. You, me, city hall, a couple of witnesses, and we’re good.”

“Well, I’d like something a little bit more public. I want to show everyone how much you mean to me, and that doesn’t mean scurrying off to city hall.”

“We can talk about it.” She eyed him warily.

“A discussion for another day,” he agreed. “Now, I need food. I haven’t been eating well the past few days.”

The days they’d been apart.

“Well, I’ve eaten too much.” Emotional eating wasn’t something she did often, but she excelled at it when she put in the effort.

He cupped her ass and drew her close. “You’re fucking perfect to me.”

Words she’d never tire of hearing.

“Is there anyone you want to share the news with?”

She considered. Her parents? Never. Mitch was the exact opposite of what they wanted for their daughter. She wasn’t picking him because of her need for defiance. She simply loved the man to death and couldn’t see herself spending another day without him. Going up on her tiptoes, she planted a kiss to his cheek. “I want to tell everyone in person.”

He chuckled. “You’re going to startle her to death.”

“Nah. She’s a smart woman.” She adored Marnie, and she wondered how the woman would take the news.

“What’s that pink light?”

She spun toward the living room. Pulling away from his arms, she wandered over to the drapes. She threw them open to find the most glorious sunrise.