Mitch came behind her and again pulled her close.

“You’re not wearing a shirt.”

“I’m aware. And yes, it’s a little chilly, but I intend to coax you back to bed as soon as we’re fed.”

“Oh you do, do you?” She laughed. She wore her skimpy silk dressing gown, and he wore only sleep pants. And, she was certain, they looked debauched.

Yet the rising sun meant everything. The rain was gone, and the world was starting fresh.

“I love you.” Emotion clogged her throat. “I just need you to know that.”

He pressed his lips to her ear, his beard scratching her neck. “And I’ll always love you too.” He spun her to face him. “Breakfast. Then more sex.”

“Yes, please.”

And they did just that.

Chapter twenty-four


MitchknewLorianalovedto make grand pronouncements of future plans so she wouldn’t back out of them. She didn’t like to be perceived as a chickenshit.

So when she breezed into the library Monday morning, he following just behind, and announced, “I’m getting married,” no one batted an eyelash.

Marnie glanced up from the computer. “Aren’t you off today?”

Loriana straightened. “Well, yes.”

“And you love the place so much, you just had to come?”

She faltered.

Mitch smothered a grin.

Marnie broke into a huge smile. “I’m so happy for you. For you both,” she added, quickly encompassing Mitch.

Loriana sagged a little.

Relief, he judged.

“We don’t have champagne.” Marnie frowned. “I think there’s some hot chocolate. We could celebrate.

This time, Mitch didn’t attempt to smother the grin. This was Marnie letting them know she approved. She wasn’t offering up physical affection—he would’ve been shocked if she had—but she was giving them her blessing.

That meant a lot. Even more than he could’ve predicted.

The woman snuck into the back room to make the hot chocolate.

Johanna poked her head out from the stacks. “Did I hear congratulations are in order?”

He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah, I guess so.”

The woman, whose hair was green today, offered up a grin. “About damn time someone put a ring on that woman’s finger. She does okay on her own, but she needs companionship.” She eyed him up and down. “You’ll do.”

He accepted the compliment.

Marnie and Loriana returned a moment later with four mugs of hot chocolate.