“No worries. Good luck.”
“Clowns would be cooler,” Mickey called out after me, but I just waved.
Behind me, I heard Lucky speak up.
“Dude. Clowns arenevercooler. Especially with ukuleles.”
The man was not wrong.
I climbed into my truck and called the friend I’d texted the ring photo to the night before. “Is that something you can do?”
“Absolutely,” he said. “It’s beautiful.”
“I need it kind of soon,” I said apologetically. “The surprise is in real danger of being busted. I’ll pay whatever rush fee you want.”
He laughed. “Jack. My friend. I’ve already started and will be finished by tomorrow, if you bring me the jewel now. And you will pay me nothing at all. After the favor you did for me and my family … no. Your money is no good here. Invite me to the wedding.”
“But I can’t accept that!”
“It was a very big favor. Now be gracious and accept. And good luck with the lovely Tess.”
I’d shown him a picture. His wife had red hair, too.
“I appreciate it more than I can tell you,” I said sincerely. “I’m on my way.”
“This ring will be crafted with all my skill, artistry, and love, so it will bring good fortune to your marriage.”
“Thank you again.”
We could certainly use good fortune.
First, a quick trip to Orlando.
Then, I’d talk to some people about Sheriff Paul Reynolds, who might or might not be a killer.
Just your ordinary Sunday in Dead End.
I sang when I cleaned, before somebody with Superior Tiger Hearing moved in with me and made pained faces when he heard me.
Okay, I wasn’t the best singer, but I was certainly one of the most enthusiastic. And Lou liked my singing.
“Don’t you, Lou? Lou?”
When I found my cat burrowed beneath not only my blanket, but my pillow, too, I tried not to take it personally.
My phone buzzed. I expected Jack with news, but it was Carlos. Susan’s vampire brother was supermodel gorgeous, an important person on the vampire high council, and a good friend of mine. But it was daytime. He should have been sleeping.
“How are you awake? It’s three in the afternoon!”
“Very carefully.”
“How do two porcupines make love?”